Dr James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (hon) has been chosen to contribute his research work to the Medical and Clinical Research Journal
Dear Dr .James Stoxen,
I hope you are doing well during COVID period.
We are from Editorial team of the peer reviewed and scientific knowledge sharing platform of Medical & Clinical Research ( https://medclinres.org/online-first.php )
Journal impact factor [2019-2020(1.023)]
We have been searching for researchers, scientists and authors who will provide their globally highly valuable research work and valuable suggestions to publish best quality articles in our journal.
We have chosen you to contribute your research work to our journal.
If possible, I would appreciate receiving your submission on or before 10th November, 2020.
If it is not feasible for you, please let us know your feasible time to contribute.
Kindly note we may extend the due date upon your request.
Kindly check in our website COVID19 special issue is also available.
We welcome your feedback and/or constructive criticism.
Faith Arnold
Editorial Assistant
Medical & Clinical Research
(ISSN: 2577-8005)