“A Day In The Life Of A Celebrity Chiropractor” Part 2, Dynamic Chiropractic Magazine


A Day in the Life of a Celebrity Chiropractor, Part 2
An Interview with Dr James Stoxen, DC
Dynamic Chiropractic Magazine
March 11, 2008 Vol. 26, Issue 05
By Editorial Staff

With a growing list of clients that includes recording artists, actors and professional athletes, James Stoxen, DC, truly is a chiropractor to the stars. In part two of this exclusive interview, Dr. Stoxen shares his unique experiences from more than 125 tours with top entertainers and provides further insight into his challenging, yet rewarding career.

Do you have any preference in treating athletes, vs. recording artists or Broadway stars? What is your favorite type of work?

I consider it a privilege to walk into a stadium and meet someone I’ve idolized for years whose performances have shaped our culture. It feels good to be involved with someone you’ve grown up admiring.

However, elite athletes are very different because their physical health is so crucial to achieving performance levels that break records and win championships. There is tremendous personal satisfaction in working with athletes who have been considered over the hill, broken down or unranked. I have given them treatments to heal; nutrition advice to get the performance edge; and designed and implemented a program of strength and conditioning to increase their power, speed, agility, balance and coordination. My center, Team Doctors, has a complete private training center where many athletes have done their strength and conditioning training, which contributed to them winning a world title, or a national or world championship.

These athletes had the talent and the drive, but the state of their bodies and the nature of their training, diet and discipline held them back. I love to motivate them and I’m not afraid to tell them what they need to do to be a champion. Some of these athletes are so tough that even their trainers are too intimidated to talk to them the way they need to be. I am always challenging them in the training center. It gets them emotional and gets them going. On my way to work each morning, I send out motivating text messages, e-mails and calls reminding them about their training, to stay on their diet or just to work hard that day.

During competition, I spend time analyzing my athletes’ biomechanics to see what I can do to improve their performance. I’m strict with biomechanics in the training room, but never interfere with their athletic coaches or trainers on sports-specific technique. People have asked why I don’t set up a facility to train the athlete for the sport. That’s not my role. The coach sends them to me for treatment, strength training and conditioning, and I stay out of their areas.

Do you have any advice for chiropractors who would like to get involved in treating celebrities?

The biggest piece of advice I can give is that you can’t go in and wing it. There are chiropractors out there who do what I do. Like me, they have many years of experience and already know what to do and what not to do. You have to know what the appropriate treatment is, but there is a whole political and social element with which to contend. Celebrities and their handlers are accustomed to being “hit on” all the time by people who want something or just want to be around a celebrity for the fun of it. They are very quick to separate themselves from anyone they suspect is being too much of a “fan” or an “opportunist.”

These are the no-no’s: Don’t talk too much about yourself. Let your hands do the talking. Don’t ask a lot of questions outside of what is necessary to treat them. Don’t ever ask for autographs, pictures with them, signed photos, CDs, tickets or any other favors of any kind. If you do the work, you get paid. Don’t give care away or trade care for memorabilia. Don’t bring assistants. Don’t audition for them or hand them a book of your poems or your staff member’s latest CD. Your backstage pass is a “working” pass, so you are there to work. You only watch the show if the artist or management invites you.

Get there on time, stay out of the way, don’t hang in the halls gawking, never say “no,” say “please” and “thank you,” respect everyone, give “wow” treatments and go home satisfied you did all you could to help this road-weary cast and crew feel better.

With all the work you do helping others, how do you stay healthy and energized to manage your hectic schedule?

I practice an anti-aging diet and lifestyle based on what I’ve learned from the lectures and teachings of Dr. Bob Goldman and Dr. Ron Klatz of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Many of these internationally renowned MD lecturers and scientists are my patients. We pick each others brains on the latest healthy lifestyle trends and then implement them in our own daily life and with our patients.

I try to set a good example and stay fit and healthy. I take a lot of vitamins. My technicians give me a lot of treatments when I’m unable to get one from my father, Dr Paul Stoxen DC. When I’m out of town, I get a lot of massages. When I go to medical conferences, I go to every single exhibit and lecture. I ask a lot of questions about different supplements, technologies and treatments that may improve my health and the health of my patients.

I have a full training center at my office. After the patients leave, I workout for at least 60 to 90 minutes, and I do the same training as my athletes. One time, I was instructing a fighter on doing hanging abs. He did about three or four of them, and I told him to work on his technique. He said, “Why don’t you show me how to do it?” I knocked off about 100 of them. He was about 26 and I was 40 at the time. I looked at him and said, “You’re 26 and I’m 40, and you want to be a professional fighter? You have a lot of work to do to get in shape.” About four months later, he had lost about 60 pounds and won seven consecutive fights by knockout. He said to me, “The thing that really motivated me and really made me stay with you was that you whooped my butt at exercise. I figured if a 40-year-old man can do it, I should be able to do it, too.”

What’s next on your schedule? Are there specific celebrities you’d like to work with or venues you would like to try?

I  have a book with a very famous entertainer, Anthony Field, from The Wiggles,  who was in chronic pain with depression and addicted to pain medication, who then turned his life around to be in the greatest shape of his life. It is a testimonial to chiropractic care and will be coming out in about eight months. The book is called, How I Got My Wiggle Back.

So far in 2008, I have accepted several lecture assignments taking place around the world. I would like to help more chiropractors get speaking engagements at medical conferences, and I would be honored to speak for any chiropractic organization. If any chiropractor has a scientific presentation they would like to give and/or any chiropractic organizations would like me to come speak for their event, please contact me. Chiropractors need to get the word out about what they can do for people.

This month, I will be inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. There are six inductees in 2008. I counted my blessings to be considered for such an honor by my peers. As a future member of this organization, I plan on nominating more chiropractors.

I have a new health and fitness column in the Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine, which consists of stories of the diets, health and fitness approaches of the celebrities with whom I’ve worked. I built an anti-aging and nutrition wing of my practice. I consulted on the design of a basketball shoe for Converse Japan. Also, I am considering some offers from investors on a new shoe with my designs. I am appearing in two commercials. I’ll probably work with about 30 to 40 tours this year and plan to take on a Broadway national tour assignment for charity. Finally, I plan on taking my daughter to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. I can see it will be a very busy 2008.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

There are many chiropractors who work in this industry and I have brought in many new ones from around the world. This industry is small and protocol is crucial! Rather than make mistakes, call me or other chiropractors who do this kind of work and spend 30 minutes finding out the ins and outs before you make mistakes. I’m more than happy to help chiropractors so we can have a positive impact on the world.


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Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) He is the president of Team Doctors®, Treatment and Training Center Chicago. Dr Stoxen is a #1 International Bestselling Author of the book, The Human Spring Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. He has lectured at more than 20 medical conferences on his Human Spring Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and asked to publish his research on this approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome in over 30 peer review medical journals. He has been asked to submit his other research on the human spring approach to treatment, training and prevention in over 225 peer review medical journals. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Orthopedic Science and Research, Executive Editor or the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care, Chief Editor, Advances in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Journal and editorial board for over 40 peer review medical journals. He is a much sought-after speaker both to the general public and at CME credentialed medical conferences. He has given over 1000 live presentations and lectured at over 70 medical conferences to over 50,000 doctors in more than 20 countries. He has been invited to speak at over 400 medical conferences in over 50 international cities in 30 countries. He has been invited as the keynote speaker at over 60 medical conferences. After his groundbreaking lecture on the Integrated Spring-Mass Model at the World Congress of Sports and Exercise Medicine he was presented with an Honorary Fellowship Award by a member of the royal family, the Sultan of Pahang, for his distinguished research and contributions to the advancement of Sports and Exercise Medicine on an International level. He was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in 2008 and the Personal Trainers Hall of Fame in 2012. Dr Stoxen has a big reputation in the entertainment industry working as a doctor for over 150 tours of elite entertainers, caring for over 1000 top celebrity entertainers and their handlers. Anthony Field or the popular children’s entertainment group, The Wiggles, wrote a book, How I Got My Wiggle Back detailing his struggles with chronic pain and clinical depression he struggled with for years. Dr Stoxen is proud to be able to assist him. Physicians Medical Technologies does business as Team Doctors®, a medical device company that provides high end vibration massage tools. In 2012, the Massage Assist Pro was cleared by the FDA. Today the Massage Assist® is sold in 13 countries. In late 2019, Team Doctors launched the Vibeassage® which was cleared by the FDA in 2019 and has sold thousands of units around the world. Dr Stoxen can be reached directly at teamdoctors@aol.com

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