Dr James Stoxen DC, FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, gave the keynote presentation, Case Report: A Patient with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome who was Misdiagnosed and Mismanaged, What Lessons can be Learned?, The 2nd Global Congress on Medical & Clinical Case Reports, Dubai, UAE, 2018
Lecture Title: Patient Thoracic Outlet Syndrome who was Misdiagnosed and Mismanaged, What can be learned?
Gerald C. Hsu, eclaireMD Foundation, USA
James Stoxen, Team Doctors Chiropractic Center, USA
Hadi Eltonsi, Cairo University Medical College, Egypt
Matthew Megson, George Eliot Hospital, United Kingdom
Amalia Kerl Skurka, Rheumapraxis Altstetten, Switzerland
Brygida Przywara-Chowaniec, Medical University of Silesia, Poland
Zuzana Nevoralová, Hospital of Jihlava, Czech Republic
Alina Draga Belengeanu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Silvia Vuculescu, West University “Vasile Goldis”, Romania
Zainab Alhumoud, Armed Forces Hospital King Abdulaziz Airbase, Saudi Arabia
Sara Abdullah S Aledaili, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
Hadi Eltonsi, Cairo University Medical College, Egypt
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