Dr James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, has been Invited to be a member of the MSD 2019 Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Bone & Musculoskeletal Disorders on May 22-23 2019 in Dublin Ireland
The conference is focused on the theme “New Vision in treating bone and musculoskeletal Disorders”. which covers a network of vital key sessions. MSD 2019 is a unique platform to bring together worldwide distinguished scholars, researchers, public health professionals, scientists, fellow scientists, industry researchers and society to exchange about state of the art research and the latest technologies.
The conditions that may be reviewed are tendinitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress disorder, cumulative trauma disorder, overuse syndrome, osteogenesis imperfect, pagets disease of bone, bone cancer, bone problems associated with diabetes, and childhood obesity and bone health.