Dr James Stoxen DC. FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, is Invited to speak at the 2nd Global Summit on Occupational Health & Safety on October 11-12, 2019 in Dubai, UAE
OSH or as it is commonly known as the workplace health and safety (WHS) or occupational health and safety (OHS) was enacted by the Congress to help all employers and their workers decrease job accidents, injuries, medical illnesses and death. Effective health and safety programs involve workers in developing WHS policies and procedures.
Occupational Health Psychology and Work Environment
Epidemiology & Infectious Diseases
Medical Informatics
Occupational Disease and its Impacts
Internal Medicine Sub-specialties
Healthcare-associated Infections
Global health and Health Sciences
Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Psychiatry and Mental Health Medication Safety
Cancer and Tumour Nursing Cardiovascular Nursing
Errors in Patient Safety
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Women Health in Occupational Sector
Occupational Hazards and Risks
Occupational Health Services
Principles of Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Disease and Human Health
Agricultural & Environmental Safety
Chronic Health, Industrial Food Safety and Management
Construction and Ergonomics Biotechnology in Health Care
Occupational Health and Safety guidelines
Health promotion of workers
Prevention of occupational diseases
Occupational hygiene
Occupational women health
Home Care Safety
Azizah Bin Mubayrik, Saudi Arabia
Manu Dhillon, India
Wegdan Bani-Issa UAE
Sergey Suchkov, Russia
Merryland Salah AbdelJawad, KSA
David Halliwell, United Kingdom
Joseph A. Grafft, USA
Michael Gerhard Felfernig, UAE
Ashraf Amro, UAE
Emmanuel Abayowa, Nigeria
Soraya Nejati, Iran
Alan M. Ramos, USA
Alaa Oteir, Jordan
Pauline Convocar, Philippines
Samir Mustafa Smisim, Saudi Arabia