Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to be an organizing committee member for the International Conference on Immunology and Microbiology, which has been scheduled for the month of September 17-18, 2020 at Brussels, Belgium
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
A warm welcome from ICIM-2020
We are glad to invite you as an Organizing Committee Member for the International Conference on Immunology and Microbiology, which has been scheduled for the month of September 17-18, 2020 at Brussels, Belgium.
The conference will focus on the progress made and lessons learned from diverse sectors related to this field and we hope your opinions and expertise would be very valuable for the overall success of the program.
The theme chose for this year Exploring recent advances in Immunology & Microbiology which will ignite passion among the research communities while providing support to the communities.
As a member of the organizing committee you can initiate discussions and workshops based on your research expertise and which fall within the topic and theme of the conference. Should you accept this invitation, we will provide you with further details about additional privileges roles of the committee member.
We request you to visit the conference Website for detailed information about this promising event.
We hope you will consider this request and anticipate your gracious presence at the conference.
V Sai Sruthi
Program Manager
Ena Ray Banerjee, University of Calcutta, India