Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to contribute his research to the Journal of Scientific Research
Hello, Dr Stoxen
I am Saeed Ahmed the Managing Editor of Noble Academic Publisher it’s a great honor for me to invite you to contribute your ideas in the shape of a research article in our journal. We warmly welcome you in the field of Chemistry, Medical Studies, Scientific Commentaries, Computer Science, Technological Science, Engineering, Biology, Mathematics, Statistics, Natural Sciences, Zoology, Geology, Material Science, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Aerospace Sciences, Energy and Power, Earth Science, Environmental Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Food Science, Physics, Biochemical, Energy storage, Genetics, Nanotechnology, Naval Engineering, Neuroscience, Medical Research, Agriculture and Planetary Sciences, Forestry, Nuclear technology.
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Noble International Journal of Scientific Research
Noble Academic Publisher
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