Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to publish a manuscript “The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach To Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” for the Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation Journal
Dear James Stoxen,
This mail is with reference of your article titled: “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome”, in which you provided this email address to contact you.
We would like to invite you to make your submissions in the Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation journal to spread your research and to disseminate knowledge to the global scientific community by the means of Edelweiss Publications, Inc. USA
It is an international OpenAccess peer reviewed scientific publication encompasses the wide range of topics, basing on classification for the journal.
Benefits to Author:
We are pleased to announce the following benefits to the authors who contribute to this issue:
- Quality and quick editorial, review processing.
- Interested authors can even join our peer reviewing family.
- First round of review process is finished by 3 weeks of time.
- Article online within 3 days after acceptance.
- Indexed in different databases like Index Copernicus, Portico, CrossRef and many other.
If you wish to submit a paper for possible publication in this issue, please contact us and we would be delighted to hear from you.
Submit the articles to neurorehabiliation@ewpsjournals.com
Davide Vito Moretti, Editor in chief
Professor of Neurophysiology
Semmelweiss University
Neuroscientist at S.John of God
National Research Institute