Dr. James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to speak at the 4th Annual Summit On Surgery and Transplantation to be held in Vienna, Austria on December 07-08, 2020
Dear Dr. James Stoxen
Hope you are doing well with good health at this pandemic situation.
Thank you for downloading our conference brochure. Your interest towards our conference was honored. Kindly submit the abstract.
We would kindly invite you as a speaker to this propitious meet of 4th Annual Summit On Surgery and Transplantation”, which is going to be held in December 07-08, 2020 at Vienna, Austria with the theme “Modernizing Techniques On Surgery and Transplantation”.
For more information please visit: https://surgery.healthconferences.org/
Brochure: https://d2cax41o7ahm5l.cloudfront.net/cs/pdfs/surgery-meetings-2020-53801-brochure15344.pdf
Waiting for your reply
Best Regards,
Jessie Morris,
whats App: +44-330-808-0342