Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice
Dear James Stoxen,
Greetings from Nutrition and Dietetic Practice!
Hope this email finds you well.
We cordially invite all the researchers for the forthcoming issue of Journal of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice to submit their manuscripts.
We know that you were messed up with your schedules, yet we are just following you to check if you have a chance to submit a manuscript for the Journal.
Deadline for Submission 10th September 2021.
Manuscripts related to the field of Nutrition and Dietetics are welcomed. For more info: http://sciaeon.org/nutrition-and-dietetic-practice/home send us your manuscript to nutrition@sciaeonopenaccess.com
We wanted you to respond to this mail as soon as possible.
Looking for your submission.
Best Regards,
Rita Allen | Editorial Coordinator
160 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom.