Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit his research for review too the World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (WJAPMR)
Dear Dr Stoxen,
Greetings from the World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (WJAPMR)…
WJAPMR is an International, Peer-reviewed, Open-access and Multidisciplinary Journal publishing high quality manuscripts (Original research papers, Review articles, Short communications and Case studies) under various disciplines of Pharmaceutical sciences, Medical sciences as well as Allied sciences like Health sciences, Alternative Medicine, Nursing etc.
For more information kindly visit to our web site: https://zealjournals.com/wjapmr/
We cordially invite you to submit your precious research work falling within the scope of WJAPMR for publication in upcoming issue of this journal.
How to submit manuscript
The manuscript may be submitted by e-mail at editor-wjapmr@zealjournals.com or you can also directly submit your article on our web through link Submit Manuscript.
Please refer: Author’s Guidelines
Why Publish with WJAPMR?
- Fast peer review process and Easy publication
- Nominal article processing charges just 30 USD
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- Indexed in Reputed Databases
Our Associated Journals: Authors may submit to our associated journals depending on their area of interest
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences (WJAPLS)
World Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research (WJBPR)
World Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (WJAST)
Looking forward for your kind response and quality submission for possible publication in WJAPMR.
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any query or concerns.
Best Regards,
Managing editor
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (WJAPMR)