Dr James Stoxen DC,. FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit his research manuscripts to the Mediterranean Journals (MJ), an academic publisher
Dear Dr Stoxen,
Mediterranean Journals (MJ), an academic publisher, is committed to providing high-quality open access publishing options for authors in all fields.
We are happy to inform you that our journals welcome manuscripts for Volume 2021 and invite you to contribute to our journals kindly.
We offer rapid editorial evaluation and short publication times without compromising on scientific quality.
We publish Original Research articles, clinical studies, Reviews, Case Reports, perspectives, and Conference proceedings.
Our journals are online which provides an international Exposure to your research.
Kindly send your manuscript directly to contact@mediterraneanjournals.com, or submit it through the Online Submission System of the journal of your field as listed below:
Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences (Volume 2021)
Current Medicine (Volume 2021)
Surgery Insights (Volume 2021)
Annals of Dental Sciences (Volume 2021)
Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Volume 2021)
Veterinary Medicine Reports (Volume 2021)
Annals of Public Health (Volume 2021)
Nursing Archives (Volume 2021)
Biology Insights (Volume 2021)
Annals of Genetics (Volume 2021)
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (Volume 2021)
Infectious Diseases Reports (Volume 2021)
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In case of any query, please feel free to contact us at contact@mediterraneanjournals.com
With Regards,
The Editorial Team
Mediterranean Journals