Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit his research on The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome to the Journal of Biomedical Science and Research (ISSN 2582-077X)
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Hearty Greetings from Journal of Biomedical Science and Research
Journal of Biomedical Science and Research invites your research article submission. Please note that we accept all kinds of Medical related articles with special waivers. We publish all kinds of Original/ Research, Review, Case Report, Short Reports, and Editorial Articles. Your help and support is appreciated.
Based on your recent publication “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome” was impressive and very useful for our next release.
If you have any new article, kindly submit to our journal.
Submission details: You can submit through online or directly through mail shanu.editor123@gmail.com
Note: We request you to submit the manuscript on or before 30th December, 2020 to avail Special Benefits.
Please refer: Author’s Guidelines
Looking forward for your kind response and quality submission for possible publication in JBSR.
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any query or concerns.
Best Regards,
Shanu DM
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Biomedical Science and Research
+44740 4290223