Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit his research to the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews
Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to submit his research to the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews
Dear Dr. Stoxen James,
Greetings from International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews!
In context with our Upcoming Issue, we have come across your publication.
We are inviting the best minds in the research fields to submit a review (or any type of article) based on your previous articles, and also you can submit any of your unpublished articles which falls under the scope of the journal.
Membered in Platforms:
Academic Resource Index, Cite Factor, Cosmos Impact Factor, Cross Ref, Metadata, DRJI, Google Scholar, ICI, ISI, ISSN, Open access, ORCID, publons, Scilit, SIS, World Cat.
Impact Factor : 1.01
It would be great if you could submit a manuscript through https://www.auctoresonline.org/submit-manuscript?e=66 on our website or an attachment to this email on or before 15th June 2022.
If it is not feasible for you, then please let us know your feasible time to contribute.
Note: Honor to accept your CV, if you are willing to take part as a Board member for the journal.
Kindly acknowledge this mail.
With Regards,
Katherine Hutchings,
Editorial Coordinator,
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews,
Auctores Publishing LLC.