Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the Biomedical and Translational Science Journal
Dear James Stoxen,
Greetings from Biomedical and Translational Science!
We have come across your research profile and based on your research interest we believe that your expertise would make significant awareness to the readers globally and greater impact on the scientific community. Biomedical and Translational Science publishes all types of write-ups (like original research, review, case reports, letter to editors, commentaries, short communications, Research Images, etc.
Our journal area of interest includes Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Disease biomarkers, immunology, metabolic disorders, diabetes, neurology, diseases, policy, mental health, bioengineering, drug discovery, imaging, applied physical sciences, medical nanotechnology, drug delivery, biomarkers, gene therapy, regenerative medicine, toxicology and pharmacokinetics, data mining, cell culture, animal and human studies, medical informatics, and other interdisciplinary approaches to medicine.
We would be very glad to publish any of your on-going work or any type of article for our upcoming issue. Your support and collaboration help the journal in reaching heights. All submissions would be subjected to a fast-peer review process.
The journal would appreciate receiving your submission on or before April 15th, 2021, so that we could include it in the upcoming issue. Kindly send the article as an attachment to this email or editor.btrj@gmail.com.
With Regards,
Karre T
Editorial Assistant
Biomedical and Translational Science
Delaware, US