Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal
Hello Dr. James Stoxen,
Hope you are doing well.
I will be thankful if you could concern on my request.
I am pleased to inform you that International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal is planning to release Volume 5 Issue 4 by the end of August and we need only two articles to accomplish this issue. In fact I am afraid as I am having few days to release the issue. Hence I have chosen some illustrious people like you to support us for release the upcoming issue.
So please support us with your contribution of 2 Page Mini-Review/Case Report/Review/Research towards publication in IPMRJ.
Your prompt submission sustains us a lot and impacts my ranking in end of the month.
Hope you understand my concern and your kind attention in this regard is highly appreciable.
Await your hopeful submission.
Thank you,
Editorial Analyst
MedCrave Publishing