Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the journal of Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access, ISSN 2167-0501
Dear Dr Stoxen,
Hope you are having a fabulous week!
With an impact factor of 3.762, Biochemistry & Pharmacology : Open Access (BPOA) is a great platform of publishing your research, which strives to give you and your work the quality exposure and visibility.
To assist you scholarly, BPOA would like to publish manuscripts at a highly reduced processing fee. I would like you to have this opportunity to increase your scientific recognition in the scholarly community.
Do make me aware of the time and possibility in submitting a paper for consideration in the upcoming issue.
You may submit your paper by e-mail: pharmcology@molecularbiologyjournals.com
I await your response.
Warm Regards,
Emi David
Managing Editor
Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Ph.: +44 2037691755
What’s app no: (44) 3308080342