Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Studies
Dear Dr James Stoxen,
Greetings from Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Studies! ISSN Online : 2690-8808
We request you to contribute a manuscript (like research paper, review article, short communication, case report, editorial etc.) to help us release the upcoming issue of the journal in a timely manner. If possible, please submit manuscript based on research work that has received NIH grant (or any other grant) and mention the grant number (if any).
If your prior commitments do not permit you to contribute immediately, please request your friends/ colleagues/ experts having an expertise in Clinical Case Reports field, to contribute manuscripts for our journal. Or else, we could invite them on your behalf; if provided with a list of probable contributors.
Note: It the article having NIH/ Welcome trust funding source number will be indexed in PubMed web depositories immediately upon acceptance.
Your contribution and cooperation will be highly appreciated. Hoping to receive a prompt response
Thanks for your time and patience.
Best regards,
Clarissa Eric
Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Studies
Auctores Publishing LLC