Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the Open Access Journal of Surgery
Dear James Stoxen,
I had a glance at your profile in online and I am extremely amazed with your work. I feel you will be an ideal person who helps us for progress of our Journal. Hence, I am approaching you through this email.
In fact, I am in deficit of one article for successful release of Volume 12 Issue 1 of our Journal. I am requesting you to support us by submitting any type of your article.
We desire to receive your valuable manuscript by the 10th August, 2020.
We are confident that you will be with us in spreading the scientific research all over the world.
Jamsine Evans
Associate Editor, Open Access Journal of Surgery
ISSN: 2476-1346
Phone: +1-805-200-4030 | Fax: 1-855-420-6872
www.juniperpublishers.com | surgery@juniperpublishers.com