Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been asked to write for the OSP Journal of Health Care and Medicine.
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Greetings from Health Care and Medicine!
I trust everything is well with you.
On behalf of Editors we invite Research, Reviews, Case Reports, mini reviews, commentary, letter to editor and conference proceedings for our International Peer reviewed open access OSP Journal of Health Care and Medicine. We hope that you might be busy and could not reply to my previous e-mail, I hereby make a follow-up.
We know your expertise so, we are glad to invite you to submit articles for upcoming issue in our prestigious journal. Your contribution is of great importance for us and it will help the journal to establish its high standards.
Kindly submit your papers to research@ospublisher.org at the earliest possible time.
Feel free to throw a publication related queries and we will be privileged to answer all.
The aim of the journal is to publish the valuable articles in short period of time.
Hope to receive papers from you and your colleagues.
Best Regards
Mike Graham
Editorial Assistant
Dr. Jose Luis Turabian (Editor in Chief)
Visit – https://www.ospublishers.com/Journal-of-Health-Care-and-Medicine-JHCM.html