Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited as a speaker for the “2nd International Conference on Cell Science & Molecular Biology” scheduled to be held in Dubai, UAE on April 08-10, 2020
Letter of Invitation
Dr . James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (Hon) FWSSEM is the president of Team Doctors Center located in Chicago.
On behalf of Magnus Corpus Group we cordially invite you as the keynote speaker for our upcoming “2nd International Conference on Cell Science & Molecular Biology” scheduled to be held in Dubai, UAE during April 08-10, 2020.
We believe that your endowment to this conference will be very beneficial and in this regard we would like to welcome you to join our conference as a organizing committee chairman also.
Your remarks as an Speaker would set the tone perfectly for our conference. As many of our conference attendees will look forward to hearing and listening from your work and your contribution to our conference would be unparalleled.
For more details about the conference PS: https://cellscience.magnuscorpus.com/
We look forward to see you in Dubai!
With our best wishes,
Alice Ruby Executive Manager Cell Science 2020 Magnus Corpus
Disclaimer: This invitation is to attend the Cell Science 2020 Only
Prof. Giulio Tarro, Naples University, Italy
Prof. Stefan Gluck, University of Miami, United States
Prof. Stephen F. Vatner, Rutgers University, United States
Prof. Tarek Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Metawie, Cairo University, Egypt
Prof. Giovana Aparecida Gonçalves, University Center Padre Albino, Brazil
Dr. Anna Landsman, Lev Academic center (JCT), Israel
Prof. Ludger Johannes, Institut Curie, France
Prof. Anna Cornelia Beyer, University of Hull, United Kingdom
Prof. Alain Chapel, Institute of Radiation and Nuclear Safety, France
Prof. Kathleen L. Hefferon, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Wanessa Silva Garcia Medina, Centro Universitario Padre Albino, Brazil
Prof. Li Fan, University of California Riverside, California
Prof. Malgorzata Duda, University in Cracow, Poland
Prof. Huanxiang Zhang, Medical College of Soochow University, China
Prof. May Alqurashi, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Dipak K. Banerjee, University of Puerto Rico, United States
Prof. Hideaki Itoh, Akita University, Japan
Prof. Guang ZHU, The Hong Kong Univ. Of Sci. And Tech., Hong Kong
Prof. Andréia de Haro Moreno, Albino Father University Center, Brazil
Prof. Daniel Henrique Gonçalves, Centro Universitário Padre Albino, Brazil
Prof. Eduardo Rogério Malaquias Chagas, Centro Universitário Padre Albino, Brazil
Prof. Ilse Gantois, McGill University, Canada
Prof. Christophe Le Tourneau, Paris-Saclay University, France
Prof. Hemely Abdelshafy Hassan, South Valley University, Egypt
Prof. Hoda saady Mohamadain, South Valley University, Egypt
Prof. Michael Olin, University of Minnesota, United States
Prof. Brossard Clement, Radiobiology of Medical Exposure Laboratory, France
Prof. Samy A. Abdel Azim, University of Cairo, Egypt
Prof. Naotaka Furuichi, Niigata University, Japan
Prof. Maixent JeanMichel, University of Toulon, France
Dr. Ana Laura Martins de Andrade, Federal of University São Carlos, Brazil
Dr. Mahmoud Samy Abdel Fatah, October 6 University, Egypt
Dr. Stephane sadrin, Codifra Laboratory, France
Organizing Committee:
Giulio Tarro, Chairman Committee, Naples University, Italy
Dipak K. Banerjee, Professor at, University of Puerto Rico, United States
Christophe Le Tourneau, Professor at Paris-Saclay University, France
Saied Ali Barzanian, Professor at Stanford University, United States
Esmaiel Jabbari, Professor at University of South Carolina, United States
Luisa Maria Arvide Cambra, Professor at University of Almería, Spain
Eloisa Urrechaga Igartua, Professor at University of the Basque Country, Spain
Liu, Xiong Professor at National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, United States
Sulman Basit, Professor at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Abdul Hakami, Professor at Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands
Eviatar Nevo, Founder of the Institute of Evolution and Director, University of Haifa, Israel
Wahid Ali Khan, Assistant Professor at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Izhar Muhammad, Professor at Northwest A&F University, China
Aalaa Aboelnour, Professor at Mansoura University, Egypt
Nilanjana Banerjee, Doctor at Biomedical Research and Diagnostic Centre, India
Samy A. Abdel Azim, Professor at Cairo University, Egypt
Tabinda Hasan, Assistant Professor at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia
Claude Billeaud, Professor at University of Bordeaux, France
Raffaele Pilla, Professor at St. John of God Hospital Benevento, Italy
Uqbah Iqbal, Researcher at Research for Social Advancement