Dr. James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited publish his article, “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” in the International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Greetings from International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Thank you for your contribution towards the scientific community.
We would like to invite you for submit an article towards our next issue of 2018 Volume of our esteemed journal.
We have gone through your article entitled “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” that you are presenting at “4th International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness”. We are immensely happy to inform you that, the title is really excellent and we will be glad to publish your article in our next issue of the journal.
If you have the unpublished version of this article, we are humbly requesting you to submit with us to get published in our esteemed journal.
For more detail- https://www.graphyonline.com/journal/journal_home.php?journalid=IJCND
On special consideration, we will provide you maximum discount on article processing charges.
Hope for your definite submission towards the journal
Awaiting for your response.
Have a nice day.
With Thanks,
Miss G. Priyanka
Managing Editor
International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Graphy Publications