Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to contribute a paper for the Inaugural Issue of the Annals of Surgery and Surgical Case Reports
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Hope this email finds you in good health.
Heartiest greetings from the Annals of Surgery and Surgical Case Reports!
With great pride and honor we would like to cordially invite you to contribute a paper for publication for Inaugural Issue for the Annals of Surgery and Surgical Case Reports
All the accepted papers will be published in the Inaugural issue of the respective journal with DOI number.
We believe your expertise knowledge will help in the growth of the journal and as well help many budding research scientists all around the world.
I will be happy to assist you for any further queries, look forward to hearing from you.
Please let me know your opinion so that we can process for accordingly.
With respect & sincerely,
Angelina Jolie | Managing Editor
Scientize Publishers LLC
4403 W Lawrence Ave,
Chicago, USA.