Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to participate as an Organizing Committee Member for the International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery in Vancouver, Canada from October 29-30, 2020
Dear Dr. James Stoxen DC,
A warm welcome from MedChem-2020
It is a great privilege and an honor for us to invite you to participate as an Organizing Committee Member for the International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery to be held from October 29-30, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada.
The conference is hosted by Pages LLC and adopts the theme Scientific novelty and advanced perception in medicinal chemistry which focuses on the latest findings and insights that will stimulate future research and development in this promising field. We hope your experience will help in bringing together scholars from all over the world to exchange information on technical advances and to discuss progress in related fields.
As a committee member, you will have several benefits and responsibilities the details of which will be elucidated further in a subsequent mail should you accept this invitation.
If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this, kindly go through this web page for detailed information.
PS: http://pagesconferences.com/medicinalchemistry-drug-discovery-delivery
We would greatly appreciate it if you could indicate your interest in joining the forum for us to make the necessary arrangements.
We look forward to meeting you in Vancouver, Canada for this exciting event.
With regards,
Program coordinator
Pages LLC
Paul C.H. Li, Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Istvan Toth, The University of Queensland,School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Australia