Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to present the manuscript “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” for the Nessa Journal of Medical Sciences (NJMS)
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Greetings from Nessa Journal of Medical Sciences (NJMS)
We have gone through your abstract entitled “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” which was presented at the “4th International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness November 2018 Edinburgh, Scotland”. It was an exceptionally interesting.
Above referred article was very inspiring and innovative. We request you to kindly take part with your unpublished papers in our Upcoming Issue (Volume-1, Issue-4) of Medical Sciences[NJMS]*
NJMS publishes research works, reviews, case reports, rapidly without delay in the developing field of Medical Sciences.
Submit the manuscript at editorial office at njms@nessapublishers.com
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Minni Jeremiah
Associate Managing Editor
Nessa Publishers
Email: njms@nessapublishers.com
The University o Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Department of Biosystem Engineering, Nevsehir, Turkey
Randall Higashida
Professor, Department of Radiology, Neurological Surgery, Neurology and Anesthesiology, Chief Division of Interventional Neurovascular Radiology, UCSF Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco, USA
Yasuo Iwasaki
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, Toho University Omori Medical Center
Anna Maria Lavezzi
Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Milan, Italy
Corrado I. Angelini
Director, Master Neuromuscular Disorders, University of Padova, Italy
Sangeeta Singg
Professor of Psychology, Angelo State University, USA
George Perry
Professor and Dean of Biology and Chemistry, Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology, University of Texas at San Antonio, United States
Antonio Simone Lagana
Department of Gynecological and Obstetric Sciences, Univerzitetni Klinicni Center, Ljubljana, Italy
Giovanni Larciprete
Consultant, Gynaecologist, FatebenefratelliIsolaTiberina Hospital, Italy
Tahereh Pashaei
Assistant Professor, Department of public health, School of Health, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
Giuseppe Rizzo
Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Erich Cosmi
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Padua School of Medicine, Italy
Safdar Shah
Professor and Head of the Department, Ammer-ud-din Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan
Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny
Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cairo University, Egypt
Tarek Shokeir
Professor and Consultant, Mansoura University, Egypt
Adnan Catovic
Professor, Head of Polyclinic Dental Clinic University Hospital Center Zagreb, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Geriatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Gunduliceva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Associate Professor, Head and Neck Cancer at the Barts& the London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Changxiang Wang
Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Ozlem Marti Akgun
Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry Department, University of Health SciencesGulhane Education and Research Hospital, Turkey
Amer Taqa
Professor, Department Of Dental, Dental Basic Science, Mosul University, Iraq
Mohammed Mustahsen Rahman
Professor & Dean, RAK College of Dental Sciences, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, UAE
Vineet Nair
Assistant Professor, Department of dental, North Bengal Dental College & Hospital, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India
Mohamed Said Hamed
Dean & Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Consultant “A”, College of Dentistry, Gulf Medical University,
United Arab Emirates.
Mohammed Mustafa
Assistant Professor and Head of Endodontic Division, Department of Conservative Dental Science, College of Dentistry, Prince Sattam bin AbdulAziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Indrajeet Ghosh
Specialist, Department. of Dentistry, TATA Main Hospital, India
Song Gao
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, The University of Houston, United States
Michel S. Bourin
Professor, Department of Neurobiology of anxiety and mood disorders, University of Nantes, France
Vladimir K. Mukhomorov
Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, S.I.Vavilov’s State Optical Institute
Leningrad, USSR
Zhenjia Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Washington State University, United States
Roberto Passera
Head of Radiochemistry Unit, San Giovanni Battista University Hospital, Italy
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