Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to publish a manuscript on thoracic outlet syndrome in the Rheumatic Diseases and Treatment Medical Journal
Dear James Stoxen,
We wish this mail finds you in good health.
We came across your Abstract titled: “Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”.
We would be glad to publish the full-length manuscript or any other unpublished manuscript; if any, in our upcoming issue of the Rheumatic Diseases and Treatment Journal
Benefits to Author:
We are pleased to announce the following benefits to the authors who contribute to this issue:
- Articles submitted before November 20th shall be provided full wavier
- First round of review process is finished by 3 weeks of time.
- Article will be online within 3 days after acceptance.
We solicit the articles for our inaugural issue, which publishes the Research/Review/Case reports/Mini review/Commentaries.
We request you to submit the manuscript as an attachment to this mail or : editor@edelweisspublications.org
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further queries. Looking forward for your reply.
Note: If you are interested, you can join our editorial board, kindly let us know. Submit your CV for consideration by our Editors.
Best Regards
Dr. Huang Zhiwei, Editor- Rheumatic Diseases and Treatment Journal
Associate Professor
National University of Singapore