Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to publish an article on “The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach To Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” in the EC Paediatrics Journal
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Hearty Greetings from EC Paediatrics!
Pleasure to contact you after going through your article “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome”. EC Paediatrics is a journal, that is publishing various articles on neonatal care and child health, after performing a double blinded peer review by potential Editors.
Current Issue: www.ecronicon.com/ecpe/volume8-issue1.php
We have also gone through your research work, and we heartily appreciate your expertise in the related field. So, with a desire to publish your descriptive article in Volume 8 Issue 3 of EC Paediatrics, we cordially welcome your manuscript submission by February 20, 2019 through the below link.
We hope to publish your valuable paper in EC Paediatrics!
With all the best regards,
Ms. Veronica
Managing Editor at EC Paediatrics
“Every child deserves high quality health care”