Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to serve on the scientific committee for the International Conference on Neurology and Neuroscience March 04-05, 2020 in Rome, Italy
Dear Dr James Stoxen
Hope this email finds you healthy!
We came across your expertise “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome” would be an excellent fit for our event. With reference to your expertise in the field of Neurology, we cordially would like to invite your participation on behalf of our Scientific Committee at the International Conference on Neurology and Neuroscience March 04-05, 2020 in Rome, Italy
Attendees Benefits:
- All attendees can avail CPD & CME Credits
- Certificate Accreditation by the International Organizing Committee (IOCM)
- Abstracts will be published in conference souvenir & international journals
If this interests you, kindly share your valuable research work with us in our conference, which will enable me to send you further more details.
Conference website: https://neurology.heraldmeetings.com/
We appreciate your time and await your reply
With Regards
Lucy Williams
Conference Director | Neurology 2020
Email: neurology@heraldmeetings.org
Herald Meetings, USA
Kazue Sawami, Nara Medical University, Japan
Christopher Kent, Director of Evidence-Informed Curriculum and Practice Sherman College of Chiropractic, South Carolina
Gioacchino Aiello, Neuropsychophysiology service, Bernareggio (MB)
Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Batterjee Medical College, Saudi Arabia
Monica Wong, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
Amir Ashraf-ganjouei, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Hesham Maged Mohammed, Neuropsychiatry Specialist, Abbassia Psychiatric Hospital, Egypt
Raheleh, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Alberto De Bellis, Founder & President, Maria Rosaria Maglione Foundation Onlus, Italy
Ron Bonnstetter, Vice President of Research & Development, Training International, Ltd., USA
Abdeen Mustafa Omer, Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK
Organizing Committee:
Dario Funari, University of Exeter, UK
Uqbah Iqbal, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Ziad M. Elchami, Director of Pain & Headache Management Center at International Medical Center (IMC)
Abdoulaye Diallo, Associate professor at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Abdeen Omer, Associate Researcher at Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK
William Wetsel, Director of the Mouse Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Analysis Core Facility at Duke University, USA
Raphael Mechoulam, School of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
SUCHI, Motivational Speaker, ASPIRERS SOCIETY UK