Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the 2nd European Congress on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health in Paris France on September 24th -25th 2020
Dear James Stoxen,
Greetings from Addiction Congress
We would like to cordially invite you as Speaker/Delegate to 2 nd European Congress on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health on September 24-25, 2020 at Paris, France .
The Addiction Congress is the premier gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancements in Addiction Research, Psychiatry, Mental Health practitioners and educators come together to present and discuss recent research results, trends in Addiction Research & Psychiatry.
We would be happy to have you present at this congress and will be pleased to hear your thoughts and opinions in this directions.
For more details PS: https://coalesceresearchgroup.com/conferences/psychiatry/downloadbrochure
Note: As an invited plenary speaker we will take care of your 2 nights’ accommodation which includes breakfast and lunch if you will register with us on or before 18 th March, 2020 .
Kindly revert to us with your confirmation and we look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
Rezina Alves
Conference Secretariat | Addiction Congress
Coalesce Research Group
Lily Tsuda, National University | USA
Albert KK Chung, University of Hong Kong | China
Maria Elizabeth Barreto Tavare, State University Londrina | Brazil
Takashi Shimada, Shimada Clinic | Japan
Jasminka Milosevic, Re-centre Mental Health Clinic | New Zealand
H.Soewadi, Indonesia Islamic University | Indonesia
Ala Saeed Awadh Bin Dohri, AlAmal Complex for Mental Health | Saudi Arabia
Matthew Jones, Swansea University | United Kingdom
Leonida Zalokar, Residential Treatment Institution Planina | Slovenia
V. Raul García Aurrecoechea, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico
Organizing Committee:
Matthew Jones, Swansea University | United Kingdom
Sylvie Granon, Paris sud university | France
V. Raul García Aurrecoechea, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico
Azize Nilgun Canel, Marmara University | Turkey
Leonida Zalokar, Residential Treatment Institution Planina | Slovenia
Sinisa Franjic, International University of Brcko District | Bosnia and Herzegovina
Uqbah Iqbal, Socioeconomic Researcher | Malaysia
Mami Takahashi, Pharmacist | Japan
Sam Vaknin, Southern Federal University | Russia
Dibakar Pal, University of Calcutta | India