Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the 2nd World Congress on Rheumatology, Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Conference as Organizing Committee Member (OCM) which is going to be held in Dubai, UAE. November 22-24, 2021
Dear Dr .James Stoxen,
On behalf of Med wide Ltd, I would like to extend an invitation to you to join our 2nd World Congress on Rheumatology, Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Conference as Organizing Committee Member (OCM) which is going to be held in Dubai, UAE. November 22-24, 2021.
Theme: Unravel the new horizons in Rheumatology, Orthopedics & sports Medicine.
For more information you can have a look at WCRO-2021
What you would get
- Opportunity to Chair/Co-chair a session of your interest
- Opportunity to launch a book/chapter/research work at the event
- Can play the role of Honorable guest at the conference
- You would be named as an Organizing Committee Member on our website
What we would ask for
What we need from our OCM varies from meeting to meeting, but usually we would ask advice on structuring the event and possibly obtaining speakers and delegates and conduct workshop/symposia. It’s just a few emails.
Kindly submit your title of interest, abstract, biography and recent photo as per the attached template via mail or through the online link:
: https://www.medwideconferences.com/orthopedics-rheumatology/submitabstract
I do hope that you can be on Organizing Committee Member and help us build this annual event into a major international congress.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Riya Satvi
Program Director
T: +91 9853854854
Email Id: rheumatology@medwideconferences.com/