Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the 4th Online International Conference on Neurology (Neuro- 2022) on March 24-25, 2022
Dear James Stoxen,
We are well attentive of your busy schedule and believe that you are locked in with many research and academic activities.
With the Spellbound success of previous editions in 2021, We feel proud to announce our next edition 4th Online International Conference on Neurology (Neuro- 2022) scheduled during March 24-25, 2022 is now a Complete Virtual Event.
If you are interested to participate with Oral or Poster Presentation, kindly send us abstract as a initial step and we will guide you further.
To submit abstract, see: Neuro- 2022
Important Information:
- Abstract Submissions are accepted until Mid-March.
- Special Discounts on group registrations
- Abstracts will be published in conference proceeding book
- Presentations are archived: Ability to view events in the recording
Kindly communicate your participation acceptance with your lecture title as positive acknowledge from your end.
For instant reply on queries WhatsApp me at +1-843-564-2296
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Clara McBroom
Conference Secretariat | Neuro- 2022
Coalesce Research Group
Phone: +1-718-543-9362
Whatsapp: +1-843-564-2296
Email: worldneurology@crgmeetings.org