Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the Clinical & Medical Case Reports conference which will be held in Berlin, Germany on September 18, 2020
Hello Dr. James,
Hope you are doing well.
After Successfully completion of our Lifestyle Disease 2020 Webinar, we are Forward with our next webinar on Clinical & Medical Case Reports which will be held on September 18, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. Based on your expertise and experience we would like to invite you as a Speaker for Case Reports 2020. We will have lectures with sector entrepreneurs, creative immersion experiences and workshops for the development and improvement of ideas focused on the theme “Exploration of Advancements in the Clinical & Medical Field”. Come and be part of that with us! Have a glance to our website: https://clinicalcasereports.healthconferences.org/
For Abstract Submission kindly visit: https://clinicalcasereports.healthconferences.org/abstract-submission.php
Thanks and Regards,
Eric Hunt
Webinar Coordinator / Case Reports 2020
Email: hunteric56@gmail.com