Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the Global Webinar on Multidisciplinary Research on 10,11-Sept-2022
Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the Global Webinar on Multidisciplinary Research on 10,11-Sept-2022
Dear James Stoxen ,
Greetings from Legion of Erudite.
We invite you to the “Global Webinar on Multidisciplinary Research”, which will take place on 10,11-Sept-2022 in Virtual Mode.
Legion of Erudite aims to bring together researchers, academicians, scholars, and Professors to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results and discuss the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the above-said areas.
Presenters are requested to submit their Abstract/Topic to https://legionoferudite.org/gwmr_submit_abstract
Conference Details: http://www.legionoferudite.org/gwmr/
We welcome you to this conference and look forward to your participation.
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Kind Regards,
Evangeline Williams | Program Manager
Legion of Erudite Scientific Research Organization
WhatsApp @ +1 (312) 800 8643