Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the International Conference on Surgery and Transplantation in Singapore City, Singapore from December 07- 08, 2020
Dear Dr. James Stoxen
Greetings from Surgery Meetings 2020 Hope you are doing well with good health.
As per your significant experience and eminence in the fields of Surgery, we would like to Know your interest in joining as a speaker for the International Webinar on Surgery and Transplantation December 07- 08, 2020.
This Webinar includes the Audio/Video submissions, plenary talks, panel discussions on different topics and exhibitions will be held from different countries.
Benefits of this webinar:
- We will send you a recording copy with the slides to mailing address
- International speaker certificate
- Publication of your full paper and biography on our Conference website
For more details please visit: https://surgery.healthconferences.org/
Best Regards
Jessie Morris | Program Manager Whats app: +44-330-808-0342