Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the Nursing Virtual 2021 conference on November 1-2 2021
Dear James Stoxen,
Hope you are doing well in this unprecedented situation.
On the light of current situation, we have made the conference online. We would like to invite you to Nursing Virtual 2021 as a speaker/delegate.
Abstract submissions are open. You can present your work related to Nursing/ Healthcare/COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, innovative treatment methods and health, social, economic and psychological effects, in addition to other effects for the level of education and technology.
Web www.globalepisteme.org/Conference/nursing
We plan to offer Nursing Virtual 2021 at reasonable rates in continued consideration of challenges due to COVID-19, and to ensure accessibility for as many people as possible.
Hope you will join us on the screen. Look forward to your reply.
Ana Joy- anajoy01c@gmail.com
Program Manager
Nursing Virtual 2021