Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to submit an article “THE INTEGRATED SPRING-MASS MODEL APPROACH TO TREATING THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME” to the Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science Journal
Respected James Stoxen,
I am privileged to contact you through this mail and I hope this is a good time to solicit your kind attention.
We have gone through one of your Research Articles “THE INTEGRATED SPRING-MASS MODEL APPROACH TO TREATING THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME” that was very effective and knowledgeable.
Also We cordially invite you to contribute any of your latest manuscript for publication in our Journal. We publish
• Original Research Articles
• Review Articles
• Case Reports
• Short Communications.
Your eminence and authority in this field of research would add immense value to our upcoming issue of the journal.
Kindly ensure to submit your contributions by 10th February, 2021 in order to enable us publish the article in the current year itself. Submissions can be made through our Biochemistry
online portal or through email at ejmoams@medischolars.com.
Your acknowledgement and response is highly appreciated. Should you need any further information or assistance in this regard, please contact us.
Thanking you for your valuable time and looking forward to your early response,
With best regards,
Jenifer Stewart
Assistant Managing Editor
Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science
E-ISSN: 2146-8389|Indexed in Scopemed