Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to submit an article to the Rheumatology: Current Research Journal
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
It’s my privilege to contact you on behalf of the Rheumatology: Current Research Journal.
Rheumatology: Current Research, Volume 9 is an International peer reviewed journal which follows high quality in processing and publishing articles.
You can submit Research/Review/Case reports/Image articles/Short Communication etc.
I would appreciate receiving your manuscript on or before October 4th, 2019 to the same mail id.
Best regards,
Prof. Lei Wei
Executive Editor
Department of Orthopaedics
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, USA
Rheumatology: Current Research [ISSN: 2161-1149]
NLM ID: 101580636; Index Copernicus Value: 62.97, Journal Impact Factor: 1.522
Editorial Office
Rheumatology: Current Research
LONGDOM GROUP SA, Avenue Roger Vandendriessche, 18, 1150 Brussels