Dr James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to the Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Conference October 28 – 29, 2020
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Greetings from Virtual Physiotherapy Congress 2020!!
which is an online conference (Webinar) going to be held during October 28-29,
Kindly go through link for payment: https://inovineconferences.com/onlinepayment.php
- Access to All Sessions Online
- E-Handbook & E-Conference Kit
- E-Certificate of Presentation
- The abstract will be published in conference proceeding book and supporting journal with DOI
Zoom meeting invitation – Virtual Physiotherapy Congress 2020: Inovine Conferences is invite and send you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Meeting ID and Passcode by 4th week
For any assistance help/assistance, please feel free to contact me
Thanks & Regards,
Kevin Brown | Program Manager
Webinar on Physiotherapy 2020_COVID-19
E-mail: physio@physiotherapymeetings.com
Phone: +1-408-648-2233
What’s App: +14424441812
Website : https://physiotherapy-sportsmed.inovineconferences.com/
Yvette Koleva
Medical University of Sofia
Sarah Key
Sarah Key Education
Anood Faqih
Physio Studio
Zalak Vasavada
Be-fit Health studio
Linley Leuthard
Hands On Group Ltd
New Zealand
Heena Sahi
Verbocity, India
Diana Pinto
Nutri on and Pain Management Center
Deborah Mazzarotto
AIFI, Italy
Abhijit Dutta
Assam Down Town University
Stefania Saint
Lydia Rehabilitation Center
Manisha Rathi
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy
Nontembiso Magida
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Julie Rammal
George Washington University, USA
Theeb Naif S Alsalem
King Abdulaziz Medical City, KSA
Urvisha Lunagariya
Ann Physiocare Limite, UK
Jos� Carlos Bomfim Lima
Sao Judas Tadeu University, Brazil
Rafael Ambr�sio Battazza
Sao Judas Tadeu University, Brazil
Mais Jawhari
Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City,
Soheil Mansour Sohani
Iran University of Medical Sciences