Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to write for the SunText Review of Surgery, Journal
Dear Dr. James Stoxen,
Greetings from SunText Review of Surgery
We are pleased to announce the invitation for Manuscript Submission.
SunText Review of Surgery is an internationally peer-reviewed journal focused in the field of Research and Clinical Trials in Surgery. The Journal is newly launched by SunText Reviews and the primary means of distribution of this journal will be over the internet.
We would like to cordially invite you to contribute a manuscript (Research article/Review article/Case Reports /Opinion articles/Commentaries/mini reviews etc.) for publication towards the first issue of the Journal.
We would appreciate if you could submit your manuscript on or before 15th August, 2020.
Submission Portals: Online Submission (or) surgery@suntext.info
I wish you all success for your on-going research works and future endeavours.
Feel free to contact us for any further details.
Warm Regards,
Jessica Dina
Editorial Assistant
SunText Review of Surgery
E-mail: surgery@suntext.org
WhatsApp: +1-479-268-1422