Dr. James Stoxen DC Will Be Lecturing At The Health Freedom Expo Chicago, IL June 7-9 2013
Dr. James Stoxen DC will be lecturing at The Health Freedom Expo Chicago, Illinois (taking place in Schaumburg IL) Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center.
Dr Stoxen will be lecturing on “Disconnecting The Inflammation-Depression Connection” Sunday June 9th at 4:00pm in the Nirvana room A
The Health Freedom Expo returns to Chicagoland for its ninth annual three-day event in Schaumburg, IL
The Health Freedom Expo features 90 of the most credible speakers on
- Natural Health
- Four Discussion Panels
- Three Feature-Length Documentary Films and
- 150 Exhibitors.
The Expo features world-renowned doctors, health activists and experts update us on all things natural in the rapidly changing field of health. Meet and hear Dr.s Patch Adams, John Apsley, Joan Borysenko, Caroline Dean, Joel Fuhrman, David Brownstein, Michael Greger, David Kennedy, Joseph Mercola and Robert O. Young. Hear Activists and actress Daryl Hannah explain why she vehemently protests the Keystone pipeline; meet GMO labeling activist Jeffrey Smith; meet media personalities Chicago’s former CBS anchorman Bill Kurtis talks about grass fed beef; meet renowned Coast to Coast radio host George Noory * These are just some of the prominent speakers you can hear and meet in person at the Expo.
Attendees can learn about solutions to affordable health care, gain insight into health care reform, learn how to nourish and protect your body the natural way, discover how to fight and deal with illness, learn with organic and natural foods, understand the impact the environment can have on health and how to incorporate new ideas into their lives.
NEW! Visit the Interactive Pavilions located on the Expo floor to discover ways to enhance natural beauty, enhance your body, release stress, receive free health screenings and sample healthy foods.
$45.00 for the weekend pass (which allows attendees full access to any of the presentations, as well as the Expo floor).
$20.00 for a one-day ticket
Tickets can be purchased at the door
About The Health Freedom Expo
The Health Freedom Expo is a 501c(3) non-profit organization sponsored by The HealthKeepers Alliance, a lobbying organization. The Mission of the Health Freedom Expo is to bring the finest and most credible natural health information, products and services to the public. The Health Freedom Expo is about presenting products and educating the public so they are empowered with up-to-date and accurate information. By presenting expert lecturers and educators, dynamic exhibitors, holding topic panel discussions and presenting dynamic documentary films, attendees get a complete picture of the state of the natural health movement and how it can benefit them.
Key Note Speakers Include:
Friday, June 7, 2013
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Lecture Title: Be True to Yourself: Introducing The Golden Key Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Health freedom and health seeking is all about being true to yourself! The Golden Key is a tool for problem solving and personal discovery to unlock your healthiest, happiest self. |
Speaker Biography: Johanna is the creator of The Golden Key. She is a QiGong energy worker and professional artist. Johanna uses her art and healing together to spread messages for truth, light and love.
Lecture Title: Where the Science Of Food Meets the Taste Of Health Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: Discover the nutritional facts of why alkalizing your blood and tissues through diet and lifestyle guarantees optimum health and ideal weight. Beyond that, it can literally save your life and keep you “youth-inized” as the most effective natural anti- aging agent.Speaker Biography: A prolific writer, Shelly co-authored The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and author of the best selling recipe books Back to the House of Health 1 and 2. |
Lecture Title: Death By Food Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: What is behind today’s rising health problems? Esteemed investigative journalist Bill Kurtis lays out his Cold Case File to show the means, motive and opportunity behind why we have a diet that is over processed, over sugared, over salted and contains too much fat. The culprit: the Western American diet.Speaker Biography: Acclaimed documentary host and investigative journalist you recognize his name from 45 years in the broadcast field including award-winnings programs on CBS. The History Channel and A&E. A committed conservationist, he founded Tallgrass Beef Company to champion the environmental and health benefits of grass-fed cattle ranching. |
Lecture Title: What Bills Are Threatening Your Health Freedoms? Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Help protect your health freedoms! Learn about the most urgent legislative threats to your freedoms. Learn about critical state legislative bills needing action and what the national and international laws and trade agreements are that jeopardize your health freedoms.Speaker Biography: Attorney; Legal and Public Policy Director for National Health Freedom Coalition; co-founder of National Health Freedom Coalition; co-Moderator of the US Health Freedom Congress. Creates legislation to protect dietary supplements, access to homeopaths, herbalists, naturopaths, practitioners and healers. |
Lecture Title: The Multi-Faceted Healing Aspects Of Far Infrared Light Energy Saunas Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Learn how the healing benefits of Far Infrared Energy is exploding. Hundreds of books written recently are referring to the importance of using a Far Infrared Sauna with other protocols.Speaker Biography: Phillip Wilson has spoken for over 5 years on the healing benefits of FIR energy and how it works to create so many healthy benefits. Phillip has owned a health food store since 1980. Momentum98.com. |
Lecture Title: Eating For a New You Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Vibrant health and boundless energy through good nutrition, sound digestion and a proper acid/alkaline balance.Speaker Biography: Sherry Brescia is a best-selling author and former IBS sufferer. She has spent 28 years researching how diet affects health. She has helped thousands overcome digestive issues with her Great Taste No Pain plan. |
Lecture Title: Stable Water Clusters: Discovery of Healing Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Learn about this new discovery. Stable Water Clusters (Double Helix Water) is a foundation for self-healing, going beyond hydration resulting in reduced inflammation, pain and disease.Speaker Biography: Cathy Perrou is president of Cobalt Distribution Company, exclusive distributor for Double Helix Water in the United States and formerly a founding partner of Kinko’s. Cathy is helping thousands of medical practitioners recommend Double Helix Water to their patients. |
Lecture Title: An American Tragedy: The Destruction Of Health By Government Policy Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Among the many ways we can enhance our own health the more compelling argument is to change damaging government policies. Learn what you can do to correct policies that affect everyone in our country.Speaker Biography: David C. Kennedy, DDS is a past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and is currently their Information Officer on fluoride. |
Lecture Title: Let’s Get Grounded Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: The importance of grounding and how to heal your body naturally using real earth elements with the Tuning Element.Speaker Biography: Born and raised in Albuquerque, NM, Sean Martinez studied in Beijing, China to speak Mandarin Chinese. He is set out on a life journey to help others naturally. |
Lecture Title: What the Bible Has To Say About Health Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: What foods we are designed to eat? What does Kosher mean? What God says about disease and how to have a long peaceful life. Does He want us to be vegans, raw foodiests, vegetarians or carnivores? How to apply His health instructions in your personal life.Speaker Biography: Paul Nison, Raw Foods Chef, Educator, has been eating a raw food diet since he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis years ago. Paul stopped eating all cooked foods. Today he is 100% free of this “incurable disease.” |
Lecture Title: Replacing FDA’s Broken Drug Approval Process Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: The FDA is broken. A captive of the drug industry, it leaves the public unprotected allowing unsafe drugs into the marketplace creating a legacy of death and permanent disability. Find out how to replace it with one that works.Speaker Biography: Jonathan Emord, a constitutional and administrative lawyer in Washington, D.C. is the author of The Rise of Tyranny and Global Censorship of Health Information. He has defeated the FDA in federal court eight times. Visit Emord.org. |
Lecture Title: Integrating Flower Remedies To Facilitate Healing Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: When healing isn’t forthcoming using our chosen supplements/protocols, look to Bach Flowers and other Flower Remedies to provide the “gentle nudge” toward more favorable responses. Join Judith for this interactive lecture, offering audience participation and the answers to your questions!Speaker Biography: Judith Masters holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in liberal arts, engineering and education. She pursued her interest in natural health following nearly 15 years as an engineer and corporate educator. She specializes in common sense approaches to wellness using Flower Essences. |
Lecture Title: Home Safety with Non-Toxic Products Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Speaker Biography: Bill Tufts, an internationally recognized environmental attorney. The University of Arizona reports that d’limonene has cancer protecting properties against a variety of cancers. |
Lecture Title: YOU DON’T HAVE TO DIabetes Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Right form and right amount of the right nutrient is key–few know much about this essential mineral established as THE anti-diabetes nutrient by NIH scientists more than half a century ago.Speaker Biography: Nutrition/Health Historian, Not-A-Doc AKA Christopher C. Barr is a researcher/teacher through 5 decades with VOICE OF CHANGE daily radio show. |
Lecture Title: Dream Travel: Your Doorway to Inner Worlds Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: A study of dreams can help people learn the spiritual reason their life is as it is, and what they can do to improve their lot.Speaker Biography: Debbie Bryk-Serva, MD, is a physician in the Chicago area. She has been leading workshops on the dream techniques of Eckankar for over 25 years. |
Lecture Title: You and Food Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: What’s food doing to you? Meet the experts who educate you on how to use food as medicine and what foods to avoid.Speaker Biography: Moderator: Robert Scott Bell, Panelists:-Jeffrey Smith – How GMOs have long term effects on your health -Sally Fallon – Nourishing Traditions diets -Dr. Michael Greger – Prevent, treat, reverse chronic disease with food -Dr Robert Young – The Alkaline diet and lifestyle -Dr. Carolyn Dean – The importance of magnesium for good health -Paul Nison – Value of the Raw food diet -Dr. Douglas Howard – New ways to fight disease thru balanced nutrition |
Lecture Title: Fingernail and Tongue Analysis For Hormone, Diabetes, Heart and Cancer Issues Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Learn how to detect early physical markers that correlate to various health conditions. Also learn about effective herbal supplements such as Myomin for estrogen-dominant conditions, OxyPower for the lungs, the heart, energy and mitochondrial efficiency, and Vein Lite for cardiovascular conditions.Speaker Biography: Chi’s Enterprise has marketed science-based herbal supplements such as Myomin for improving hormone-related problems and OxyPower for promoting mitochondrial DNA repair, and improving the heart, lungs, energy and anti-aging. www.chi-health.com. |
Lecture Title: Cancer Treatments–Don’t Drink the ‘Kool Aid’ Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Learn about the remarkable discoveries in cancer treatments that are natural, non-toxic and effective. The standard big three cancer treatments–chemotherapy, radiation and surgery–can do more harm than help. This talk will show you how to know all your options.Speaker Biography: Ty Bollinger is a cancer researcher, author, health freedom advocate and radio show host. After losing his parents to cancer, his extensive research resulted in his book “Cancer-Step Outside the Box” now a best-seller in it’s 5th edition. |
Lecture Title: Laminine–The Fountain of Youth? Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Laminine, a natural, synertistic super food and an adaptogen, regulates cortisol and increases serotonin, helps balance insulin and neurotransmitters, reduces stress, elevates moods, decreases inflammation and builds collagen; it can reactivate stem cells and regenerate the body; may lengthen telemeres. Patented. Stunning testimonials and science exists!Speaker Biography: Nutritional Consultant, Certified Nutritional Microscopist and Naturopath. Studies in progress. National Trainer/Educator/Lecturer for health and nutrition. Developed her own nutritional protocols. |
Lecture Title: Our Electric Body–How it Works Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: EMF Dangers and Solutions–Are you sick and tired of being ‘sick and tired’? Need energy, balance and relief? Learn what university professors teach about how electric magnetic waves are stressing us out and what you can do to defend yourself.Speaker Biography: Paul was raised with natural remedies and alternative medicine. He has over 3 decades of marketing experience and serves on the board of directors at Safe Connect Plus+, an bio-energetic EMF shield manufacturing company. |
Lecture Title: Liam Scheff’s Official Stories Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Why is everything you read in the newspaper a lie? Because “official stories exist to protect officials.” From government to health care, vaccines to “HIV testing,” and into today’s sciences–astronomy, evolutionary biology and beyond–the official story we’re told is far from true.Speaker Biography: As a journalist, Liam Scheff has broken national stories of pharmaceutical corruption. Liam is author of the highly-praised book Official Stories and a co-host on the Robert Scott Bell show. http://liamscheff.com |
Lecture Title: Dental Materials: What’s Good For You and What’s Not Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: If you, or anyone you know, needs dental work this lecture is a must before you initiate the work. Learn about biocompatibility in dentistry to avoid problems with materials commonly used today. As an expert at dental restorations, Dr. Grube explains the importance of using the right dental materials.Speaker Biography: As a holistic/biological dentist and expert in dental surgery she is the president of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine. Mentored by Dr. Hal Huggins, she’s been named the next pioneer in mercury free dentistry. She teaches for the Dr. Huggins’s Alliance. |
Lecture Title: Why Haven’t YOU Heard the Truth About Vitamin D? Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: The CDC reports for every 1,000 US citizens, 800 prescriptions are written for antibiotics. The unintended consequence is the increase in the number of anti-biotic resistant infections. Learn why Vitamin D is the basic essential nutrient needed now, more than ever.Speaker Biography: Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH, is a graduate of the University of Illinois Medical School, the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Public Health, and the John Marshall Law School. In his 40 years in medicine, he and his practice have cared for more than 50,000 children who were minimally or not vaccinated at all. |
Lecture Title: Achieve Ultimate Health and Vitality With the Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: For over 30 years Dr. Young has researched the alkaline design of the body. Achieve ultimate health by using the alkaline lifestyle and diet. Uncover the causes of diseases and how to prevent them by keeping the channels of elimination open.Speaker Biography: Over the past twenty years, Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young have aided the healing of thousands of people with their alkaline diet and lifestyle. This New Biology® is outlined in their top-selling book series, The pH Miracle. |
Lecture Title: Restoring Immunity and Health Sovereignty: The Power To Heal Is Yours! Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: From gastrointestinal recovery to concerns about asthma, allergies, lung infections, HPV, chronic immune diseases, skin disorders and more. Get the information you need to fully support your good health.Speaker Biography: Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom., homeopathic practitioner, expert in silver therapeutics and has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all. He broadcasts six days a week to 300,000+ listeners. He reveals revolutionary new healing protocols in ways unapproved by government agencies! |
Lecture Title: Cancer’s Rosetta Stone Discovered Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Cancer cells kill us because they jam their own cell death button in the OFF position. Learn how a major breakthrough in cellular regeneration instantly un-jams the button right back to ON.Speaker Biography: Dr. John W. Apsley, II, Founder of the International College of Colloidal Therapeutics (ICCT), is an eclectic medical physician and author of Fukushima Meltdown: What You Must Know and Do To Protect You and Your Family. |
Lecture Title: N2E+ For Life Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Acquire the knowledge needed to maintain a healthy life style to minimize the risk of acquiring cancer and other disease states. Learn how to cut your risk of breast cancer in half. Learn why there has been no cancer cure found in the last 50 years, in spite of the billions of research dollars spent.Speaker Biography: Thomas Braun’s professional career has been focused on learning how the health care system works in the US and discusses some of the positive aspects as well as the negative aspects and presents a plan for all to embrace called N2E+ for Life. Pharmacy degree from University of Illinois and MBA from Loyola University. |
Lecture Title: Why Stop the Keystone Pipeline? Our Health Depends on It. Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Daryl Hannah explains how the Keystone XL pipeline will damage our environment and threaten our health by polluting our land, water and climate. The export pipeline will transport dirty, corrosive tar sands sludge from Alberta, Canada across America to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. It has to be heated to 150 degrees in order for it to move through the pipe and Keystone 1 has already caused 12 toxic spills in its first 12 months. Worse still, the refined tar sands oil from Canada will not benefit America but be sold overseas. Instead of developing extreme fossil fuels, it is critical that we focus on transitioning from dirty fuels to clean energy now.Speaker Biography: Actress Daryl Hannah stands up for her beliefs. Recently participating in civil disobedience at the White House she protested construction of the Keystone Pipeline XL. Known for her conscious activism, she continues her commitment to save our right to have a clean, safe, healthy environment for all. |
Lecture Title: 4 Easy Steps for Discovering Gifts in Strange Wrapping Paper Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Learn the 4 steps to awakening your authentic nature to live in the moment, transforming subconscious emotional patterns that comprise the root of all symptoms, stress and disease. These “gifts in strange wrapping paper” create a starting point for the See Feel Hear Challenge, a simple yet powerful technique that enables us to harness the power of emotions to create transformational change, liberating us to experience a whole new and conscious way of living.Speaker Biography: Dr. Darren Weissman is an internationally known holistic physician, speaker, educator and developer of The LifeLine Technique®. The LifeLine Technique® is a holistic system that guides individuals in transforming their physical health and relationship and living lives of conscious intention. |
Lecture Title: The Triangle of Health: Your Only Answer to Healthy Living Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: In this dynamic and interactive lecture/demonstration, Dr. Gordin teaches techniques of healthy living based on the human body’s needs, issues, stressors and traumas as they relate to structure, chemical balance, and mental/emotional aspects. Various techniques will be demonstrated.Speaker Biography: Dr. Gordin is a Chiropractic Physician and a highly educated, widely versed, expert in holistic and alternative medicine who has studied under the best holistic practitioners in the world. |
Lecture Title: Divine Healing Experience Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Experience the power of Healing with renowned British healer Lord Christopher Macklin. Prior to the group healing, Christopher will explain how Healing works, how Angelic beings assist him with Esoteric Operations, and how negative energies and manipulations can affect one’s health. He will also show you how to keep your vibrational level up, and how to re-energize your food to maximize its nutritional value. All attendees will receive Christopher’s powerful “Healing from the 12th Dimension.”Speaker Biography: Lord Christopher Macklin is a powerful healer from England who utilizes healing techniques cultivated through divine knowledge from God to help people recover from all types of illness. Christopher is able to heal many people simultaneously with the help of angelic energies. His new book, Dissolving the Enigma of Divine Healing will be published in the summer. |
Lecture Title: The Environment and You Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: A clean environment sustains life and supports health. Meet the leaders who put their reputation on the line to protect our communities, our homes and us from major interests who don’t.Speaker Biography: Moderator: Robert Scott BellPanelists: Daryl Hannah – Why Stop the Keystone Pipeline? Dr. David Kennedy – Fluoridated: Water and Your Health Jessica Fujan – Fracking’s Effects on the Midwest Dr. Blanche Grubb – Safe Removal of Dental Mercury |
Lecture Title: I AM the Monsanto Experiment Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: How GMOs infect not only the seed, but your organs and your offspring’s health. Why it is important to know your food sources and vote with your dollars.Speaker Biography: Lynnette is a student of natural and holistic health and nutrition. A ‘Patient Expert,’ she became well educated and enlightened after 2 near death experiences with her son. She bicycle tours across the nation to enlighten the world one pedal at a time. |
Lecture Title: The Hidden History Of Modern Medicine Time and Date: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Friday, June 7, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Have we been sold a bill of goods by the pharma-medical complex? Has everything we’ve been told a lie? Join radio’s Robert Scott Bell and Liam Scheff for 90 minutes of full-frontal truth telling, featuring Liam’s “Official Stories,” and the new RSB show comic book. |
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Lecture Title: Nourishing Traditional Diets, the Key to Vibrant Health Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 12:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Find out about the work of Dr. Weston A. Price and the timeless principles of healthy diets, diets that have nourished healthy traditional peoples for thousands of years. Includes discussion of fats and oils, fermented foods, bone broth and proper preparation of grains.Speaker Biography: Sally Fallon Morell is the author of the best-selling Nourishing Traditions and her new book, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. She is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, which seeks universal access to clean, raw milk. |
Lecture Title: Epigenetics–The Death of Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Dr. Wallach will present the cause, prevention and cure for major human diseases thought to be genetically transmitted, including Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and Obesity.Speaker Biography: A veterinarian, naturopathic physician, author and lecturer who played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin-mineral supplements. He’s nationally known through his widely distributed audiotape, Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. |
Lecture Title: Hormonal Balance and The Problems Women Encounter Today Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: The hormonal dilemma has become a monumental problem. Learn how hormones are affecting the teenage years, child bearing years, the good and the not so good and the perimenopausal/premenopausal years. The frustrations women face today and the failures by 21st century medicine.Speaker Biography: Dr. Cal Streeter obtained his medical degree from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine (presently Midwestern University, Downers Grove, IL). He has been a health and wellness physician in family practice for over 25 years. |
Lecture Title: Where All Sickness and Disease Comes From Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: Trace minerals are the keys that activate enzymes used in every function of the body. They are supported by over 75 years of scientific proof that mineral deficiency weakens the immune system.Speaker Biography: Cancer survivor, author, publisher, motivational speaker, Hippocrates health graduate, radio personality, husband, father, grandfather. A man driven with passion and purpose striving to make the world a better place. |
Lecture Title: New Solutions in Allergy Relief Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Relieve the symptoms of food, respiratory, chemical and environmental allergies and sensitivities including skin, digestive, even stimuli and many behavior problems without any needles, drugs, supplements or avoidance. Painless. Safe. Effective. Gentle enough for infants.Speaker Biography: Dr. Ian Wahl, DAc, LAc, specializes in Advanced Allergy Therapeutics and has been published in professional journals, Chicago Healers Wellness Wednesday column, as well as in the book Dynamic Health. |
Lecture Title: Key To All Diseases Is Prevention Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Learn smart ways to fight parasites, toxic chemicals, bacteria and improve your well being. Learn the potential of harmful side effects of these invaders and where they come from.Speaker Biography: Elsie Belcheff is a Medical Intuitive, Certified Herbologist, Certified Lymphologist and author of the book The Wonders of Purslane (2012). Elsie spent 13 years successfully studying and documenting thousands of individual cases as they followed her recommended protocol. |
Lecture Title: Magnesium Deficiency: The Heart Of the Matter–with Q & A! Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: The “Standard American Diet” has drained our bodies of Magnesium. The research is increasingly clear, EVERY FACET of heart disease has either an energy or enzyme deficiency–due to a lack of Mg! Come learn the truth…Speaker Biography: Morley Robbins, a recovering hospital executive, and now a certified wellness coach, has become a lay expert on Magnesium. His life is dedicated to eliminating heart disease–with just one mineral: Magnesium! |
Lecture Title: Vaccinations: Learn the Truth–No Shots No School No Work Not True Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Did you know: the CDC plans to re-vaccinate all children and adults? Hospital workers are at the top of the list. Scientific evidence doesn’t support the efficacy or safety of vaccines. Learn how to exercise your legal rights and obligations and protect yourselves from unscientific vaccine mandates.Speaker Biography: Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH, is a graduate of the University of Illinois Medical School, the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Public Health, and the John Marshall Law School. In his 40 years in medicine, he and his practice have cared for more than 50,000 children who were minimally or not vaccinated at all. |
Lecture Title: Beware Of Unsafe Drugs In the Medical Market Place Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Why are many drugs approved over the objection of FDA’s own medical reviewers? What are the most common examples? Who is to blame? Veteran constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord invites you to become more involved in protecting yourself against unsafe drugs.Speaker Biography: Jonathan Emord, a constitutional and administrative lawyer in Washington, D.C. is the author of The Rise of Tyranny and Global Censorship of Health Information. He has defeated the FDA in federal court eight times. Visit Emord.org. |
Lecture Title: Self-care by Acupressure, Nano Herbs and Nano Vita Water Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Dr. Luke Cua will reveal the health secrets of his past generation. This includes an anti-aging method from Traditional Chinese Medicine. These secrets will rejuvenate your health by restoring your body’s balance and harmony.Speaker Biography: Dr. Luke Cua is an American National Board Certified and California Licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Dr. Cua is part of seven generations of tradition. He will provide one needle Qi-Gong Acupuncture services on site for difficult cases. |
Lecture Title: Medicine For Fun, Not Funds Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 1:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Dr. Adams explains the history, philosophy and future of the Gesundheit! Institute including a deep dialogue with the audience. He uses this as an example of medicine for fun, not funds, and helps the audience design, explore, and implement their own dreams.Speaker Biography: Physician, social activist, author and founder of the Gesundheit! Institute, this internationally known speaker approaches the issues of health care system, wellness and humor with what Time Magazine calls a “zestful exuberance.” |
Lecture Title: How To Heal Anything With Light Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Although light therapy technology has been researched over forty years, people are generally unaware of its ability to heal almost anything. Lew Lim, an expert on the subject will explain.Speaker Biography: Lew Lim is the co-inventor of intranasal light therapy and an expert in therapeutic lights and holds several patents. He is an engineer from University of California, Berkeley. |
Lecture Title: Practical and Effective Scientific Approach to Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Increase energy, improve mood and memory, enhance sex drive, protection from heart disease, increase immunity and lower cholesterol. Learn how!Speaker Biography: Prof. Dr. Tai is a Professor of Aging and Regenerative Medicine and clinical nutrition. He is chairman of Brasil American Academy of Aging and Regenerative Medicine and a U.S. trained double-board certified Surgeon. |
Lecture Title: RnA Drops: Future Health–Now! Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor on the leading edge of the Natural Medicine Revolution since the 1970’s. She has seen it all and done it all and knows what works and what doesn’t! In answer to the obvious desire of people for MORE, Dr. Dean has helped create RnA Drops. She has two patents pending on a novel molecule called the iCell, the basic ingredient of RnA Drops. Dr. Dean’s 44 years in the natural medicine field has positioned her to bring you The Future of Health – Today with her Completement Formulas: RnA Drops, ReAline, ReNew, ReMag and ReLyte, which will “complete” your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.Speaker Biography: Dr. Carolyn Dean is a researcher, lecturer, award winner and author of over 30 health books, including The Magnesium Miracle, Death by Modern Medicine, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance.The Heart Rhythm Society in the UK has recognized and honored her work with The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012. Dr. Dean has two patents pending on novel health products (including RnA Drops) that will revolutionize medicine. Find out more about Dr. Dean at www.drcarolyndean.com and www.rnadrops22.com |
Lecture Title: Understand the Birthing Industry–Know Your Options Time and Date: 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Expectant mothers should have the freedom to choose how and where they give birth. The panel examines the billion dollar birthing industry, including practices and procedures, the differences in OB/GYN training, home birth midwifes and what are your natural choices.Speaker Biography: Moderator: Joni Cox has been dubbed “The First Lady of Natural News”. As a veteran radio broadcaster and voice over talent, Joni has combined her love for radio and natural health. She is a mother to four beautiful children being raised outside of the modern medical model. Homegrown Health is a weekly radio show that pertains to everything “family” including: home-birthing, breastfeeding, baby-wearing, parental rights, vaccine education and raising “homegrown” children.Panelists: Dr. Aaron G. Skinner D.C., is a chiropractor that specializes in Atlas Orthogonal Technique. This is low force, carefully measured, instrument adjustment focused in the upper cervical spine. Dr. Skinner has performed 100,000 adjustments to ensure proper alignment of this area. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH, is a graduate of the University of Illinois Medical School, the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Public Health, and the John Marshall Law School. In his 40 years in medicine, he and his practice have cared for more than 50,000 children who were minimally or not vaccinated at all. Mary Sommers, CPM, midwife, doula, childbirth educator and lactation consultant Worked for more than twenty years in community health as an administrator and director of maternal child health programs; witnessing over 1,000 deliveries; Co-founder, Chicago Community Midwives, a not-for-profit homebirth service; Fellow, World Health Organization. Becky Coolidge is a CPM, doula, and birth activist in Illinois. She has been attending births since 1983, and been involved in the legislative efforts to gain licensure for midwives since 1990. She serves on the ICCPM board, the Coalition for Illinois Midwifery, has 5 children, and is passionate about the NARM PEP process for training midwives. |
Lecture Title: Neural Regeneration With Magnetism Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Dr. Bonlie provides scientific evidence on how a stronger uni-directional magnetic field that matches the hemisphere where you live can elicit nerve regeneration. Presentation of laboratory and clinical studies with discussion time for clinical cases of interest. Don’t miss!Speaker Biography: Dr. Bonlie has been involved in full time magnetic research since 1990. He invented the Magnetico Sleep Pad. Considered a biomagnetic expert, he lectures, teaches and is a frequent guest on radio and internet talk shows. |
Lecture Title: Living Safely and Spiritually in a High Tech World Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Phyllis will teach you about the impact of electromagnetic fields on your subtle and physical bodies. Learn how these negative energies affect you spiritually and how to protect yourself. Group healing included.Speaker Biography: Phyllis Light, Ph.D. is a teacher, counselor, author and expert in “Telepathic Healing.” She clears people’s negative, subconscious programming, repairs energetic damage to their field and increases their spiritual light. |
Lecture Title: Iodine: Why You Need It and Can’t Live Without It Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Iodine is the misunderstood nutrient whose levels have dropped by 50% over the last 40 years. A deficiency can cause cancer of the breast, prostate, ovaries, uterus and thyroid. Learn how to maintain adequate levels in your diet, to boost hormone production and maintain normal glandular function.Speaker Biography: Joel Fuhrman, MD, is an American board-certified family physician who specializes in nutrition-based treatments for obesity, chronic disease, prevention and reversing of disease. |
Lecture Title: Living Crystal Water, Live Longer Disease Free! Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Peter explains how consuming life-sustaining, living, crystal-alkalized, ionized alkaline water improves health, helps them lose weight, increases their sexual stamina and lengthens their lives. Reverse Osmosis, distilled and bottled waters are harmful, Alkaline Water is the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!Speaker Biography: Peter Goodgold opened the first raw food restaurant in Santa Monica in 1973 and helped create Healing Waters Health Spa in Arizona in 1976. Currently he is working on the feature film, The Wisdom of Water. |
Lecture Title: Reverse the Way Your Body Ages–How? Welltrients! Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Beyond carbohydrates, fats and proteins is an essential layer of nutrients called “Welltrients.” They include amino acids, minerals, EFA’s, vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes each providing nutrients our cells need to balance pH, nourish cells, eliminate, prevent and reverse the aging process.Speaker Biography: Formulator, Dr. Bill Sheppard, has dedicated his life to educating others about the powerful influence nutritional factors have on our health. Bring your questions and meet the man who has spent over 30-years formulating these superior products. |
Lecture Title: Take Control of Your Health Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia AB Lecture Description: Dr. Mercola will share practical and empowering strategies you and your family can easily implement to “Take Control of Your Health”.Speaker Biography: Empowering millions to take control of their health with the world’s most visited natural health website, Dr. Mercola is a consummate student and teacher. Prominent in major media, he continues to focus his political strategies on the most current health issues such as GMOs, vaccines and water fluoridation practices. |
Lecture Title: Body Balance, Reflexology, Lymph Drainage and More Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Learn how to locate blocked energy in your body and release it. Energy blockage can lead to such ailments as fatigue, scoliosis, headaches, insomnia and more using simple techniques of Reflexology, Water and the Word and Kinesiology to correct these blockages.Speaker Biography: Certified Reflexologist, and associated with Rocky Mountain Holistic Health Association. She teaches how easy it is to stimulate the body’s electrical pathways, “Meridians,” to achieve health and beauty. |
Lecture Title: Delgado Protocol: Natural Solutions for Health Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: This lecture teaches you various treatments and therapies proven to help you stay young.Speaker Biography: As a personal trainer, Martial Arts instructor, author and over 30 years of experience, Ty Cannon’s approach to health and fitness combines the science of modern sport with ancient tradition. |
Lecture Title: George Noory Panel Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 5:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia AB Lecture Description: George Noory Investigates! Famed radio host of Coast to Coast, searches for new discoveries in natural health with his esteemed panel members.Speaker Biography: Moderator: George Noory – George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated radio program, Coast to Coast AM, is heard by millions of listeners nightly. He captivates them with his discussions of all things curious and unexplained. Interviewing health freedom pioneers, he explores medical mysteries, breakthroughs and cutting edge information the inquiring public cannot find in the mainstream media.Panel Members: Patch Adams, MD – Change the paradigm of current health care system Joan Borysenko, PhD – Full spectrum health Dr. Robert O. Young – Alkalize–the way to maintain good health Jeffrey Smith – How to demand that GMO foods be labeled Dr. Joseph Mercola – Take Control of Your Health Dr. Joel Fuhrman – Super Immunity |
Lecture Title: Yoga for the Seasoned Body Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: No matter your age or skill level, this type of yoga brings gentle, restorative ways to become strong, flexible and balanced. Learn the natural way to relieve joint and back pain, manage stress and return your body to its’ ideal vibrant state.Speaker Biography: Member of the Yoga Alliance; taught Yoga for 35+ years; studied with master Iyengar teachers worldwide. Creatively uses props in her skillful practice to enhance well being by moving deeply into areas of the body that hold stress and pain. website: www.yogafortheseasonedbody.com |
Lecture Title: The World’s Best Superfoods Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Learn how to prepare and eat these God given foods–with demonstrations and recipes.Speaker Biography: Dr. Michael Haley has been teaching people to live healthier lifestyles through nutrition, exercise, rest and mental well being since 1995. His lectures are fast moving, entertaining and inspirational. Dr. Haley’s teaching is based on cultural tradition backed by science. |
Lecture Title: Can You Change Your Life Effortlessly? This Is For Real. Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: This process goes far beyond the latest craze of self-help and goal setting. This is for real. Thousands around the world have already redesigned, recreated their lives in a massive way using this method.Speaker Biography: Two near death experiences gifted Mas with astonishing abilities to transform your life effortlessly. Akin to famous healers, few have achieved these miraculous levels. Thousands have benefitted from this phenomenon in all areas of life. |
Lecture Title: The Multi-Faceted Healing Aspects Of Far Infrared Light Energy Saunas Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Euphoria Lecture Description: Learn how the healing benefits of Far Infrared Energy is exploding. Hundreds of books written recently are referring to the importance of using a Far Infrared Sauna with other protocols.Speaker Biography: Phillip Wilson has spoken for over 5 years on the healing benefits of FIR energy and how it works to create so many healthy benefits. Phillip has owned a health food store since 1980. Momentum98.com. |
Lecture Title: The Change–The Life Particle Effect Time and Date: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM Saturday, June 8, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: The Change is a film which explores the relationship between consciousness and matter. The Change features interviews with world renowned authors and scientists discussing the topic. Visually stunning as well as informative, the film will be enhanced with guided meditation afterwards.Speaker Biography: Nathan Guadagni is a professional yoga, meditation, and energy martial arts trainer. He manages the Dahn Yoga Center in Northbrook and has been teaching for 8 years. He specializes in making meditation simple and effecive, even for beginners. |
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Lecture Title: How Can I Remove My Mercury Fillings Carefully? Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: So called “Silver” fillings are really toxic time-release mercury fillings and your biggest source of exposure. However, carless removal can destroy your heart or cripple you for life. There is a safer way to get the mercury out.Speaker Biography: David C. Kennedy, DDS is a past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and is currently their Information Officer on fluoride. |
Lecture Title: Genetic Diseases? Time and Date: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Dr. Wallach will speak about “genetic diseases” that are not really caused by genetics. He will show the true cause and prevention of these deadly diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, Obesity and more.Speaker Biography: A veterinarian, naturopathic physician, author and lecturer who played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin-mineral supplements. He’s nationally known through his widely distributed audiotape, Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. |
Lecture Title: Understanding the Big Picture: How We Got Conned and How to Wake Up Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: We live in the richest nation the world has known, but we’re malnourished. We have a vast healthcare network, but we seem to get sicker every year. We grow vast quantities of food, but we’re afraid to eat it. Why?Speaker Biography: A chapter leader for Weston A. Price Foundation, she was arrested in 2011 on raw milk charges while volunteering for a local farm, leading her to further engage in the politics of food and farming. |
Lecture Title: Healing for the Millions Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: Watch this unique demonstration of healing that includes clearing the aura, pinpointing areas of negativity and using energy healing to restore the body’s balance. In the future, this will be the preferred healing modality as we realize our potential to heal.Speaker Biography: Geoffrey Morrell is a practicing naturopath in the fields of magnetic, intuitive, spiritual or psychic healing. Over the past twenty years he has developing the Clendinnin Technique which can be used anywhere, in person or remotely and on animals as well as humans. |
Lecture Title: Drug-Free Nutrient Therapy to Heal Behavior Disorders and ADHD Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Learn how brain-changing nutrients targeted to correct biochemical imbalances can improve academics and behavior. Hear from an international expert on nutritional medicine whose massive database revealed distinctive chemical abnormalities in most ADHD children and adults. Advanced nutrient therapies will be described.Speaker Biography: Dr. Walsh is the president of Walsh Research Institute and an internationally recognized expert on biochemical imbalances. He is the director of an international program for training doctors in advanced nutrient therapies and the author of Nutrient Power (2012). www.walshinstitute.org |
Lecture Title: Liposomal Regeneration Factors Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Breathtaking Science is Revealing That The Most Powerful Nutritional Supplements are Liposomal Regeneration Factors. Learn How To Master These Supplements To Assure Your Longevity and Freedom From Chronic Degenerative Disease.Speaker Biography: Dr. John W. Apsley, II, Founder of the International College of Colloidal Therapeutics (ICCT), is an eclectic medical physician and author of Fukushima Meltdown: What You Must Know and Do To Protect You and Your Family. |
Lecture Title: To Detox or Not to Detox…The Real Answers Time and Date: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Nirvana A Lecture Description: Covering ancient concepts, Angie will tell you what is and is not safe and when and when not it is safe to detox. Learn about various styles, types and results.Speaker Biography: Angie Chaudoir, BCND, MH, CNHP, CNC, CHS, is the Director of Nutrition, Kenny Bar International and a Professional Speaker. Whether it is balancing motherhood, presenting grass roots natural health principles, working with her home school groups or business savvy in her own small business, her commitment to realistic and practical change and passion to positively impact lives is evident! She is the author of How to Beat a Tough Economy: A Mom’s Survival Guide to Living on a Tight Budget. |
Lecture Title: Increase Mitochondrial Function Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Discover how to enhance cellular absorption of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements. Increase “ATP” production by 54%. Learn how to improve the immune system, response to aging, degeneration, tissue and DNA repair, aberrant cells and other deficiencies in the immune system.Speaker Biography: Dr. Doug Gabbert is an international speaker with over 28 years as a Practitioner, Clinical Researcher and Natural Health Consultant. |
Lecture Title: Get Rid of Your Fat Belly & Thighs! Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Nirvana A Lecture Description: A powerful approach to weight loss, featuring New Patented Powerful Natural Technologies for weight loss and melting fat.Speaker Biography: Prof. Dr. Tai is a Professor of Aging and Regenerative Medicine and clinical nutrition. He is chairman of Brasil American Academy of Aging and Regenerative Medicine and a U.S. trained double-board certified Surgeon. |
Lecture Title: Connecting the Dots Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Malnutrition is our nation’s #1 challenge. Today we will discuss these four issues: how to pay off the national debt in 10 years; over prescribed psych medications $317 billion annually; dramatically reduce the crime rate; and make education more meaningful.Speaker Biography: For 33 years Craig has been studying the relationship between biochemistry and behavior, crime, addictions and disease. He has made presentations for a wide variety of professional establishments for many years. |
Lecture Title: Dehydration–Realities and Myths! Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Even MILD dehydration will slow down the body’s normal functions. Learn about how water and dehydration effects metabolism, energy levels, colon health, breast health, weight loss, joints, brain, back pain, pregnancy, and your blood. Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue, Research has shown that a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy, Proper Hydration is essential in making the skin look smooth, healthy and young. Come find out all the realities of Dehydration and how it is related to every disease, illness and health problem out there. There are three levels that your body needs to fight to heal itself, inflammation, infection and disease. Learn how to heal the inflammation by hydrating your body.Speaker Biography: Over the past twenty years, Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young have aided the healing of thousands of people with their alkaline diet and lifestyle. This New Biology® is outlined in their top-selling book series, The pH Miracle. |
Lecture Title: The Greatest Health Secret Ever Told Time and Date: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: In an age where most “conditions” are “solved” with pills or procedures there is a basic and simple way to insure energy, vibrant health and weight loss…come find out the secret of alkalinity.Speaker Biography: Dr. Jennifer is a 5th generation family Chiropractor. She is in her 15th year of practice. She focuses on the cause of disease, which, in her philosophy, includes nutrition and getting the body to a state where it can heal itself. |
Lecture Title: Solving Cancer Today Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: World-class researchers and clinicians specializing in natural healing have made major inroads in detecting and treating cancer. For the first time ever, this panel presents startling, useful and documented information in the battle to eradicate cancer.Speaker Biography: Moderator: Dr. John Apsley, Co-Founder of Regenerative Wellness Centers; eclectic medical physician and author of six books.Panelists: Dr. Steve Hines: Co-Founder of SpiroStat Technologies, safe, effective natural management of cancer and chronic infectious diseases associated with cancer. Dr. James Morré: Founding Director of Purdue Cancer Center; former Professor at Purdue University’s Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology; Co-author of the breakthrough book, ECTO-NOX Proteins: Growth, Cancer and Aging Dr. Dorothy Morré: Ph.D., Nutrition, Purdue University; Co-author of the breakthrough book, ECTO-NOX Proteins: Growth, Cancer and Aging. Dr. David A. Steenblock: Founder of StemCellMD.org, is regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts in regenerative stem cell therapeutics. He specializes in reversing a wide range of chronic degenerative diseases. Dr. Robert O. Young: World-class research scientist. Author of The pH Miracle teaching the alkaline diet lifestyle. |
Lecture Title: Fracker’s False Promises: Illinois Fights to Protect our Environment Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Lax regulation and swift technological advances spurred a recent fracking gas rush across the country. This industrial drilling practice comes with a cost that Illinoisans are unwilling to pay. Find out how to safeguard public heath and our environment against the hazards of hydraulic fracturing.Speaker Biography: A former Community Organizer in Chicago, now the Midwest Organizer with Food & Water Watch, Jessica Fujan lobbies the legislature to support common sense policies that ensure safe and sustainable food and water resources for all. |
Lecture Title: Death by Modern Medicine Survival Kit! Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Carolyn Dean MD ND has studied Natural Medicine for over 45 years and shares her information and insights widely. She imagined Natural Medicine would obviously become the medicine of choice. However, Natural Medicine is now mostly ignored. We are faced with hospitals gaining profit from surgical errors and doctors who only know how to dispense drugs. Moreover, constant media about environmental stressors from radiation, chem trails, synthetic food, and 60,000 chemicals in the atmosphere have escalated our Fear Index leaving us unable to imagine a healthy future. Dr. Dean will share her patent pending discovery of a substance made from barley grains that will uncover our so-called Junk DNA allowing us to recreate perfect cells and safely process our new environment. A colleague, Virginia Gunther will present case histories and testimonials of people using RnA Drops that will amaze you.Speaker Biography: Dr. Carolyn Dean is a researcher, lecturer, award winner and author of over 30 health books, including The Magnesium Miracle, Death by Modern Medicine, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance.The Heart Rhythm Society in the UK has recognized and honored her work with The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012. Dr. Dean has two patents pending on novel health products (including RnA Drops) that will revolutionize medicine. Find out more about Dr. Dean at www.drcarolyndean.com and www.rnadrops22.com |
Lecture Title: A Natural Approach to Better Health Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Wellness Consultant, Transcendental Meditation and Yoga teacher with 26 years of experience, discusses her natural approach to better health.Speaker Biography: Laurina Carroll has over 26 years experience educating and assisting others to a Natural Approach to better health. |
Lecture Title: Transform Your Life Through the 4 Keys to Health Time and Date: 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Nirvana A Lecture Description: Dr. Barone teaches the secrets to health that will jump-start your life and allow you to live a high quality, joy-filled, and abundant life that you deserve!Speaker Biography: Dr. Barone has been a college instructor at Palmer College of Chiropractic for 10 years, host of Back to Health Radio for 10 years on two prominent Chicagoland stations and competitive motocross racer and amateur champion. |
Lecture Title: Understanding Energy and Your Power in Relationships Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Nirvana A Lecture Description: Phyllis reveals how our energy affects others. You will learn about the fourth dimension, the true energetic nature of reality and how to tap into your true spiritual power to experience winning in your relationships. A group healing is included.Speaker Biography: Phyllis Light, Ph.D. is a teacher, counselor, author and expert in “Telepathic Healing.” She clears people’s negative, subconscious programming, repairs energetic damage to their field and increases their spiritual light. |
Lecture Title: Respiratory Recovery–No More Allergies and Asthma Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Learn the difference between managing symptoms and genuine healing from all ailments related to your ability to truly breathe. Relieve and heal respiratory conditions including allergies, asthma, COPD, emphysema even TB by utilizing herbs, food grown nutrients, homeopathics and silver therapeutics.Speaker Biography: Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom., homeopathic practitioner, expert in silver therapeutics and has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all. He broadcasts six days a week to 300,000+ listeners. He reveals revolutionary new healing protocols in ways unapproved by government agencies! |
Lecture Title: Full Spectrum Health: Where Science and Spirit Meet Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 4:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia A Lecture Description: Health is the product of our relationship with life on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. How we move, love, eat and think affects the brain circuits that create wellbeing and the culture medium in which our 50 trillion cells live.Speaker Biography: Joan Borysenko, PhD is a Harvard Medical School trained cell biologist, psychologist and New York Times best-selling author. A pioneer in mind-body medicine, stress management and human development she is a pioneer in the synthesis of science and spirit. |
Lecture Title: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It Time and Date: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia D Lecture Description: Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. Iodine levels have fallen over 50% in the last 40 years. The consequences of iodine deficiency are severe; cancer of the breast, prostate, ovaries, uterus, and thyroid as well as thyroid dysfuncton. Adequate amounts of iodine are necessary for all hormone production and the maintenance of normal glandular architecture. This lecture will discuss the importance of iodine and show you why it is so important to maintain optimal iodine levels.Speaker Biography: David Brownstein, MD is a Board-Certified family physician who utilizes the best of conventional and alternative therapies. He is the Medical Director for the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan. He is the author of 11 books and a national newsletter including Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 3rd Edition. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally about his success using natural remedies. Visit his website at www.drbrowntein.com |
Lecture Title: Latest Nutrition Discoveries: Uprooting the Leading Causes Of Death Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia C Lecture Description: Focusing on studies published just over the last year in medical journals, Dr. Greger offers practical advice on how best to eat to prevent, treat and even reverse chronic disease.Speaker Biography: Michael Greger, M.D., is a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Hundreds of his videos are freely available at NutritionFacts.org, with a new video uploaded every day. |
Lecture Title: New Evidence Of Serious Harm From Genetically Modified Foods Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Utopia B Lecture Description: Rising disease rates implicate genetically modified foods as a major health crisis. The good news is after thousands of physicians prescribe non-GMO diets we see dramatic recoveries from a variety of diseases. Learn the facts; protect yourself.Speaker Biography: International bestselling author of Seeds of Deception, Jeffrey M. Smith is a widely popular and leading spokesperson on the health risks of GMOs, and how biotech companies rig research, gag critics, hijack regulators and cover up hazards. |
Lecture Title: Disconnecting the Inflammation-Depression Connection Time and Date: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Sunday, June 9, 2013 Room: Nirvana A Lecture Description: There is substantial scientific research linking inflammation with the risk for depression. Explore with Dr. Stoxen the studies that explain potential interventions that may reduce the risks for depression.Speaker Biography: Noted speaker, owner of Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment and Training Center which combines chiropractic care, therapy, rehabilitation and strength training; at 50 he competes in races as “the barefoot runner” and was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. |
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