International Keynote Speaker
Dr. Stoxen is a much sought-after speaker by corporations and medical societies around the world. He has given over 1000 live presentations on health awareness topics. He has been asked to give scientific presentations at more than 70 medical conferences addressing an estimate of more than 50,000 medical doctors and scientists in Australia, Brazil, China, Columbia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Russia, Scotland, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, the UK, and throughout the United States.

Keynote Presentation: The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach to Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the 2nd International Conference on Orthopedics & Advanced Care, in Singapore City, Singapore, 2019

Keynote Presentation: The Integrated Spring Mass Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, 5th Euro Global Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019

Keynote Presentation: Conservative Care Options for Patients With A Failed Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Surgery at The 2nd International Conference on Surgery and Medicine in Dubai, UAE, 2018

Keynote Presentation: Case Report: A Patient With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Who Was Misdiagnosed and Mismanaged. What Lessons Can Be Learned? at The 2nd Global Congress on Medical & Clinical Case Reports in Dubai, UAE, 2018

Keynote Presentation: Keynote Presentation: The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach to Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the 18th Global Neuroscience Conference in Tokyo, Japan, 2018

Keynote Presentation: The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach to Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at The 4th International Conference on Sports Medicine in Edinburg, Scotland, 2018

Keynote Presentation, The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach to Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the World Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 2018

Plenary Presentation: “The Integrated Spring-Mass Model for the Earliest Detection Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” at The 5th World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017

Plenary Presentation: “The Earliest Detection of Abnormal Gait Patterns Associated with Accelerated Aging” at The 9th Annual A4M Thailand Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand, 2017

Keynote Presentation: “The Integrated Spring-Mass Model for the Earliest Detection Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” at the 9th Annual A4M Thailand Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand, 2017

Plenary Presentation: “Ways Physicians Can Improve Human Performance by Focusing On The Bodies Spring Mechanics” at the 10th Annual Meeting of Orthopedics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017

Keynote Presentation: “The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome” at the 10th Annual Meeting of Orthopedics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017

Plenary Presentation: Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Compression Syndromes and Degenerative Joint Disease, at the “Practical Anti-Aging Medicine” Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 2017

Plenary Presentation: “Ways Physicians can Improve Skin Health by the Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Silent and Painful Inflammation” at The SWAM – Anti-aging Exhibition 2016, at Indonesia Convention Exhibition in Tangerang, Indonesia, 2016

Plenary Presentation: “Ways Physicians Can Improve Human Performance & Slow the Aging Process by Focusing On The Bodies Spring Mechanics” at the First Aegle Integrative Medicine Workshop, Aegle Wellness Center in Balesin Island, Philippines, 2016

Plenary Presentation: “Ways Physicians Can Improve Human Performance by Focusing On The Bodies Spring Mechanics” at the Thanyapura Sports Resort, Phuket, Thailand, 2016

Plenary Presentation: “Ways Physicians Can Improve Human Performance & Slow the Aging Process by Focusing On The Bodies Spring Mechanics” at the 11th World Anti-Aging Medicine Congress in Hainan, China, 2016

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Compression Syndromes, TOS, Herniated Discs & Degenerative Joint Disease at the Seventh World Congress of Anti-aging Medicine in Mexico City, Mexico, 2016

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association Conference in Palm Beach Florida USA, 2016

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association Conference in Palm Beach Florida US, 2016 Part II

Keynote Presentation: The Sports Medicine Approach to Anti-aging Medicine at the Seventh Annual Thailand Anti-aging and Aesthetics Medicine Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, 2015

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015

Plenary Presentation: Workshop, How to Examine and Treat Athletes with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at The World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association Conference, in Palm Beach Florida USA, 2015

Plenary Presentation: Ways Physicians Can Improve Performance by the Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Spring Stiffness Over Modulation at The World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2014

Plenary Presentation: The Inverted Pendulum, Spring-Mass And Integrated Spring Mass Approach To Treating Plantar Fasciitis at The World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, 2014

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association Conference, in Florida USA, 2014

Plenary Presentation: Breaking The Inflammation-Depression Connection at the Chiropractic Success Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2014

Plenary Presentation: Walk and Run For Life! Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? At The International Busan Korea Anti-aging Medical Conference in Busan Korea, 2013

Plenary Presentation: The Top Ten Best Tips For Preventing Accelerated Aging of the Musculoskeletal Systems at the 2013 Beijing China World Congress on Anti-aging Medicine and Regenerative, Biomechanical Technologies and Expo, in Beijing, China, 2013

Plenary Presentation: The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at The Florida Chiropractic Association CE Seminar in Florida USA, 2013

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life! Barefoot Or Shod? at the 6th Annual A5M Conference in Melbourne, Australia, 2013

Plenary Presentation: The Inflammation-Depression Connection at the 6th Annual A5M Conference in Melbourne, Australia, 2013

Plenary Presentation: “Disconnecting The Inflammation-Depression Connection at the Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach, California, USA, 2012

Plenary Presentation: The New Aggressive Approaches To Disconnecting The Inflammation-Depression Connection at The 2012 Shanghai China World Congress on Anti-aging medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo in Shanghai, China, 2012

Plenary Presentation: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? at The 2012 Shanghai China World Congress on Anti-aging medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies in Shanghai, China, 2012

Plenary Presentation: The Inflammation-Depression Connection at the 4th A4M Thailand Congress on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine in Bangkok Thailand, 2012

Plenary Presentation: The Inflammation-Depression Connection at The 9th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-aging, Aesthetic, and Regenerative Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life! Barefoot at The 8th Annual Malaysian Conference And Exhibition On Anti-Aging, Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2011

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life, Barefoot at the Second World Anti-Aging Medical Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, 2011

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life, Barefoot at the 2nd Annual Bangkok Congress On Anti-Aging And Regenerative Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand, 2010

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life at the World Anti-Aging Medical Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, 2010

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life at The Dubai Congress On Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine in Dubai, UAE, 2009

Plenary Presentation: Run For Life at the ECAAM European Congress On Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine in Frankfurt, Germany, 2009

Plenary Presentation: Olympic Level Biomechanics, The Future Of Anti-Aging Medicine at The Strategies For Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), Fourth Conference in Cambridge, England, 2009

Plenary Presentation: Olympic Level Sports Biomechanics, The Future Of Anti-Aging Medicine at The Seoul Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, 2009

Plenary Presentation: Olympic Level Biomechanics, The Future Of Anti-Aging Medicine at the Brazil Workshop On Anti-Aging Medicine, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009

Plenary Presentation: Olympic Level Sports Biomechanics, The Future Of Chiropractic Anti-Aging Medicine at the First Chiropractic Anti-Aging And Acupuncture Anti-Aging Conference in Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Medication vs Biomechanics Model Of Anti-Aging Medicine at the 5th World Congress Of International Society Of Aesthetic Surgery in Tokyo, Japan, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Olympic Level Anti-Aging Medicine at The Dubai Congress On Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine, Beijing, China, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Biomechanical Meltdown And Anti-Aging Medicine at the China Medical Association in Beijing, China, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Degenerative Arthritis And Aging – The Progressive Regeneration Rehabilitation Approach at the 1st European Congress On Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine in Dusseldorf, Germany, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Anti-Aging Approach To Patients With Degenerative Arthritis at The 16th Annual World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies in Orlando, Florida, USA, 2008

Plenary Presentation: Maximo Rendimiento Humano Con Technicas De Medicina Antienvejecimiento Adding Spring In Your Step at the Symposium Live Longer And Better, Healthy Lifestyles in Bogota, Columbia, 2007

Plenary Presentation: Elastic Recoil Mechanisms Footwear And Their Effect On Performance And Premature Aging at the 15th Annual World Congress Of Anti-Aging Medicine And Regenerative Biomedical Technologies in Chicago, USA, 2007

Plenary Presentation: Elastic Recoil Mechanisms And Their Effect On Performance And Premature Aging And The Workshop, Reestablishing Elastic Recoil To Improve Performance And Reduce Premature Aging at the 1ST World Anti-Aging Congress & Exposition in Tokyo, Japan, 2007

Plenary Presentation: The Stoxen Approach To Re-Establishing The Bodies Elastic Recoil Mechanisms Through Therapeutic Exercises at The 2nd International Conference On Aging in Guangzhou, China, 2007

Plenary Presentation: The Stoxen Approach To Slowing The Aging Process Of The Musculoskelital And Other Bodies Systems at the 2nd International Conference On Aging in Guangzhou, China, 2007

Plenary Presentation: What Sports Are Best For Anti-Aging? at the Anti Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte Carlo, Principality Of Monaco, 2007

Plenary Presentation: Abnormal Biomechanics And The Aging Process at the First African International Anti-Aging And Aesthetic Congress And Exhibition in Cape Town, South Africa, 2007

Plenary Presentation: Abnormal Biomechanics – The Effects On Accelerated Aging “Stoxen Approach” To The Treatment Of Chronic Arthritis at the 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium & Exposition China, 2006

Plenary Presentation: “Stoxen Approach” To The Treatment Of Chronic Arthritis, at The 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium & Exposition China in Hangzhou, China, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Aging And Eat To Win!!! Biochemistry And Biomechanics, The “Inflammation” Link To Accelerated Aging at the 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium & Exposition China in Hangzhou, China, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Workshop, Abnormal Biomechanics – The Effects On Accelerated Aging “Stoxen Approach” To The Treatment Of Chronic Arthritis And Aging at the 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium & Exposition China in Hangzhou, China, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Eat To Win!!! Biochemistry And Biomechanics, The “Inflammation” Link To Accelerated Aging at The International Congress Of Anti-Aging Medicine, Society Of Anti-Aging And Longevity in Madrid, Spain, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Abnormal Biomechanics & Anti-Aging Process at The 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium & Exposition in Tokyo, Japan, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Abnormal Biomechanics And The Aging Process at The RMIT Chiropractic University, Tokyo Japan, 2006

Plenary Presentation: The Abnormal Biomechanics Of Walking That Can Cause A Rapid Acceleration Of The Aging Process at the 3rd Annual Malaysian Anti-Aging Conference And Exhibition Venue City: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Exercise Prescription To Slow, Stop And Possibly Reverse The Aging Process at The 3rd Annual Malaysian Anti-Aging Conference And Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006

Plenary Presentation: Treatment And Rehabilitation Techniques Of Conditions Related To Abnormal Lower Extremity Biomechanics at the 2nd Annual Bangkok Anti-Aging Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 2005

Plenary Presentation: Anti-Aging Prescription Exercises at the 4th Asia Pacific Conference On Anti-Aging Medicine in Bali, Indonesia, 2005

Plenary Presentation: Abnormal Lower Extremity Biomechanics, Which Accelerate The Aging Process. Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention at the Royal College Of Physicians in London, England, 2005

Plenary Presentation: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention in Sports Medicine at the ICA’s Symposium on Natural Fitness Event: “Arnold Classic” in Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2005

Plenary Presentation: The Most Effective Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention Of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) at The 12th Annual World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2002

Plenary Presentation: Faulty Biomechanics Of The Lower Extremities, A Presentation Of How Simple Biomechanics Dysfunction Accelerates The Aging Process at the Tenth International Congress On Anti-Aging & Biomedical Technologies in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2002

Plenary Presentation: Sports Medicine in the US vs USSR at the Rehab 670 Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in the Soviet Union in Moscow USSR, 1989