LECTURE ABSTRACT: RUN SAFELY FOR LIFE! BAREFOOT or SHOD New more effective approaches of evaluating and restoring the human spring mechanism, IVO Congress, Sydney, Australia, 2011
Lecture Abstract
Title: RUN SAFELY FOR LIFE! BAREFOOT or SHOD – New more effective approaches of evaluating and restoring the human spring mechanism
Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC
To be presented for review and consideration to lecture at the IVO Congress March 29th, 30th, and 31st, 2012, Sydney, Australia
recent release of the Harvard Barefoot vs Shod study published in Nature Magazine in 2010 millions wondered if running shoes are healthy for us. Is any binding or motion-altering device healthy for us? Since the release of this research study, physicians have had to ex
plain why running barefoot is a safe and effective way to run for many people, but not for others.
The current standard of care, relying heavily on regional examination and treatment, doesn’t allow doctors to make an accurate determination about the safety of barefoot running for their patients.
Using the human spring model and the laws of physics and engineering to quantify mathematically if this spring mechanism is capable of protecting the body from these impacts, is the optimum model for study. I will present new innovative examination approaches to examine the body’s spring impact resistance mechanisms to allow physicians to better determine if athletes are capable of barefoot running safely.
In my presentation I will demonstrate and discuss:
- The primary causes of weakness in the spring suspension system that lead to reduced impact resistance.
- Innovative new orthopedic tests to evaluate the spring suspension system’s capacity to resist 1 – 2x, 3 – 4x, and more than 5x the body’s weight in forces of impact on the unsupported or bare foot.
- The three steps to restoring the human spring mechanism to allow for safer impacts with greater forces on the body
Not only has the restoration of the health of their spring systems allowed my patients to transition from chronic pain to a pain free life by restoring the human spring impact resistance mechanism.
The goal of my treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention approach is for patients to aspire for rehab, and the eventual training approach of safe performance barefoot running. In fact, at age 48, last year I ran 300 miles barefoot on the world’s hardest surfaces without a single complication.
After delegates learn these innovative examination techniques to test the integrity of the human spring impact resistance mechanism, they should provide the tools needed to determine if it is safe for their patients to stand, walk, jog, run shod or barefoot, without resultant stress, strain, wear and tear, inflammation or pain.
Make no mistake, we should all be giving our patients the opportunity to be carefully and correctly assessed and treated with a view allowing them to run – for life.