Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the 27th Annual Summit on Neuroscience and Neurological Disorder, Barcelona, Spain, on August 23-24, 2021
Dear Dr. James Stoxen
United States
We are very excited about the forthcoming Neurological Disorder 2021, 27th Annual Summit on Neuroscience and Neurological Disorder, Barcelona, Spain, on August 23-24, 2021 | that will be held In Barcelona, Spain from August 23-24, 2021.
The Conference has been popular beyond what we expected, and we are hoping to have a very interesting two days in the month of August.
We have assembled the speaker program for the workshop, and are very happy to offer you a chance to appear on a panel as Invited Speaker.
This is an important opportunity to be able to shape the way your field is described in the eventual report, and thus to have an effect on future developments.
It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate in this Conference as Invited Speaker on Neurology & Neuroscience.
We believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and a workshop on the topic will be of great benefit.
We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honor for us indeed.
For more information, please Click: Neuroscience Conference
Kindly let us know about your interest in our Invitation on or before January 16, 2021.
Your prompt positive reply is highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Jordan Smith
Conference Manager | Neurological Disorder 2021
Email: neurologists@lifesciencemeetings.org
Whats-app: +33-644638872