Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the 3rd World Congress on Primary Healthcare on Novenber 16th and 17th 2020
Dear James Stoxen
We are excited to welcome our participants all around the world to join our webinar on “3rd World Congress on Primary Healthcare Webinar” during November 16-17, 2020 as well as to submit an article for the upcoming special issue in our journal.
For further details: https://primarycare.pulsusconference.com/
The webinar will feature two days of scientific research on the latest developments and complications of COVID_19 in Health Care.
We will be happy to have an eminent speaker in our webinar. Hope to see your presence.
We have seen your article, though it was excellent work to go through it. So we would like to work with you for improvement of our journal and as well as to impart your research work to others.
We would like to have your article on our next issue on the topic of Effects of Covid-19 in the Healthcare System.
Kindly let us know your interest on/before 29th August 2020.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Rebecca Mitchell | Program Manager
Primary Care 2020