Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) has been invited to speak at the Annual Meeting on Cancer Research in Rome Italy on March 29-30 2021
Dear James Stoxen,
Greetings of the day
The purpose of this letter is to solicit your gracious presence at the conference
Theme will focus on Fight Together For a Cancer Free Tomorrow
The aim of this gathering is to learn and share knowledge
For details go through http://globalepisteme.org/Conference/cancer
Video Presentation and E-Poster are available to speakers who are unable to attend due to schedule conflicts which includes the publication of your abstract in the proceedings
Note: Special Session on Corona Virus and Research!!
In closing, we would be pleased and honored if you would participate at this event
We will be awaiting for your interest in this conference
With Regards
Ana Joy
Program Manager
Cancer Conference 2021
1 631 303 3007