Newspaper Article, Fitness Community Conversation, by By James Janega, Chicago Tribune

  Dr. James Stoxen DC of Team Doctors Treatment Center in Chicago joined 26 other community health and fitness enthusiasts for a Trib Nation fitness community conversation lunch. Tribune host and health writer Julie Deardorff shared with selected guests and journalists about what fitness meant to them. Their passions and personal stories were inspirational. Fitness Community

Listen To Dr. James Stoxen DC Interview with Bernadette Young ABC Gold Coast Radio 91.7 Sydney Australia

Dr. James Stoxen DC Radio Interview with Bernadette Young ABC Gold Coast Radio 91.7 Sydney, Australia Friday August 17, 2012 To hear the interview click the arrow above ABC Gold Coast,’The Drive’ with Bernadette Young website, click here Young plays an interview where she is talking to Dr. James Stoxen DC who

Interview Of Anthony Field By Adam Spencer On “Breakfast With Adam Spencer” February 2012

Interview of Anthony Field by Adam Spencer on “Breakfast with Adam Spencer” February 2012 by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz Listen to the Podcast Below When Anthony Field – aka The Blue Wiggle – popped into the studio to chat with Adam this morning, we found him ‘warming up’ in the Green Room… doing handstands! Apparently,

Chiropractic Care: On the Road with `The Wiggles’ and Other Celebrities

Chiropractic Care: On the Road with`The Wiggles’ and Other Celebrities. When entertainers such as the Australian children’s entertainment group “The Wiggles”, and their cast and crew members are on tour, they often discover that chiropractic care is an essential ingredient for addressing the impact of demanding schedules, late hours and constant physical exertion.

PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: "Exercise Prescription Designed To Slow The Aging Process." Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006

Depression ICD-9 296.3, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD-9 780.71, Fibromyalgia ICD-9 729.1 Presentation Abstract Title: “Exercise prescription Designed to slow the Aging Process.” Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC To be presented at the 3rd Annual Malaysian Anti-Aging Conference and Exhibition Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 29, May 1 & 2, 2006 Since ancient times, healers have

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