Watch Dr. James Stoxen’s Interview On Weekend Breakfast ABC TV Channel 24 From Melbourne Australia
Dr. James Stoxen DC is interviewed on ABC TV Channel 24 On Weekend Breakfast from Melbourne, Australia on Barefoot Running and its Potential Health Benefits.
The Segment Aired on 8/18/2012
It Was Hosted by Miriam Corowa and Andrew Geoghegan
station link, click here
Watch Dr. Stoxen’s Interview with Miriam Corowa on Weekend Breakfast ABC TV Channel 24 above
Team Doctors, Dr. James Stoxen DC has a background in sports medicine and believes barefoot running can have positive effects on your health.
Stoxen is visiting Australia to give a presentation, The Inflammation-Depression Connection and a second presentation Run For Life! Barefoot Or Shod? Both To Be Presented At The 6th Annual A5M Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 18-19, 2012.
He says some years ago the shoe manufacturing industry began promoting the benefits of extra cushioning for impact.
However, Stoxen says Russian scientists studied impact and based plyometric training around high intensity impact to build stronger strength mechanisms. Stoxen says some have found minimal designs may help transition from bulky footwear.
He notes links between abnormal movement patterns in ambulation that cause stress and strain, wear and tear, inflammatory chemicals which can lead to depression.